cuke15's Diaryland Diary


The \"14000 things to be happy about\" Game - Day 1

The "14000 things to be happy about" Game - Day 1 of 2800 (Items 1-5)

Need to learn how to play?

1. A stream of consciousness list- Ah, if it weren't for stream of consciousness lists, I wouldn't have anything to base this game on. Stream of consciousness lists are great because they let you realize the big and the small things all at once. The "I love you" games with Julie were just stream of consciousness lists. It was a fun game while it lasted. They're the only real example I have of me using stream of consciousness lists. Oh well. I feel bad talkin bout that game now that I'm with Laura. I love you Laura!

2. pajamas at breakfast- considering I usually don't wear pajamas, I'll base this one on a different image in my mind. I want to have a little daughter. Imagine her coming out to breakfast in her pajamas, all yawning and tired with her hair all messed up. That'd make me smile. That's really cute. I think that image will make a lot of you smile. Imagine her rubbing her eyes and yawning and sitting down in a chair where she just reaches over the table and she pours a bowl of cereal with difficulty. I'll shut up now.

3. reed-fringed lagoons- This sounds really nice and reminds me of a field trip I went to I think in 5th or 6th grade to this place in Florida.. I forget the name.. they had the glass bottom boats. Yeah, but anyways. It reminds me of that coz that's kinda like a murky swamp that was reed-fringed. It's really pretty and peaceful once you get past all the bugs and stuff.

4. seeing the moon rise- You know, I don't think I've ever actually seen the moon rise. A lot of times in Georgia the moon doesn't even really set, and even when it does you have to worry about FOILAGE. Hahah, Laur. Naw, I mean foliage. But yeah, you have to worry about the trees and things. It sounds like it'd be nice if you could actually see it.

5. the feel of a rug under bare feet- That's always nice. It feels all warm and fuzzy. It's soft. Don't have anything else to say about that one.

See you tomorrow,

PS: If you want to do it and want me to link to you, make sure you AIM me a link or email me a link or something. Any form of contact is accepted.

10:56 p.m. - 2003-09-19


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