cuke15's Diaryland Diary


I love you because...

  1. I love you because you want to make a Sesame Street in St. Marys with me.
  2. I love you because you like to play the "I love you" game.
  3. I love you because you're hurt.
  4. I love you because you're a Christian.
  5. I love you because you also find it funny everytime Elmo asks a *baby* (notice strain on word baby) how to do something.
  6. I love you because you find Mr. Noodle amusing.
  7. I love you because you also think a little girl in a long shirt being used as pajamas is one of the cutest things in the world.
  8. I love you because of Staylee Lane.
  9. I love you because it amused you when I said "I would've beaten his ass if I wasn't a pacifist."
  10. I love you because you find the entire city of Woodbine amusing.
  11. I love you because you laugh at me and call me a dork when I sing the Mockingbird song.
  12. I love you because you like Gretsch guitars.
  13. I love you because (Gen 2:18) "And the Lord God said, 'It is not good that man should be alone...'"
  14. I love you because you cry at concerts.
  15. I love you because you're not afraid to be yourself.
  16. I love you because you call us "God's hurt puppies."
  17. I love you because you don't like anyone that wants to be with me.
  18. I love you because you want to visit Mr. Labelle, and would even sleep with him.
  19. I love you because you collect vinyls.
  20. I love you because you find Baby Bear and Telly annoying as fuck too.
  21. I love you because you teach me things.
  22. I love you because you're the first thing I think of when I wake up.
  23. I love you because you like the Gin Blossoms.
  24. I love you because you like macaroni and cheese.
  25. I love you because you give me something to talk about.
More to come.

12:06 p.m. - 2003-01-26


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