cuke15's Diaryland Diary


My good day, a bit on Nirvana,

Hello. I had a good day today. It all started at around 4:30 PM. Yes, that's what time I'm waking up now. Anyways, I woke up and got online, and around 5 PM Kelsea IM'ed me and told me to hurry up, only 12 more entries to go. Hehe. So anyways, a little after that Billy (roomate) asked me if I wanted to go drive around Jax for awhile. I said sure, I have nothing better to do. Anyways, he had some Pantera in, which I don't dig on too much, but I was in the mood to try new stuff today. I felt that in the air today. I felt the will to listen to something I haven't listened to in awhile, or never liked. Some of the guitar work on that Pantera CD is awesome. Anyways, we went up to the Marquee Theater just to see if anything was going on, there wasn't anything. So we went down Park Street until it became Blanding, then we took Blanding up to 103rd, then we went to visit my moms. She wasn't home, so we went to this Mexican resteraunt at 103rd and 295. We ordered this 2-people dinner for $18, and my god it was a masterpiece. It had everything. It's a poormans dinner.. we have leftovers to last the both of us for a week. It had ribs, salad, chicken, steak, shrimp, vegetables, tortillas, guacamoli, beans, mexican rice. It was the shit, ya'll. Anyways, we listened to the radio for awhile and Godsmack came on. I actually was kinda digging on it. It made me smile: how ironic. Godsmack made me smile. I just realized for a moment that they write some really good tunes, but they're not something I would buy the CD of, it doesn't make me feel anything. Anyways, after the resteraunt, we went back to my moms and talked with her and Tom for awhile. She gave me $20. It was good to see her for awhile. On the way back, we stopped by Billy's friend's Bob's house. Man, this guy is so nice, and he has this Rottweiler who is the sweetest thing ever! I swear, this dog is so playful. It's like Chalupa in Rottweiler form. :). It made me smile. He was very playful. He seemed to like me too. It reminded me how much I miss my puppies. Anyways, afterwards I was looking through Billy's CD collection and I put in Nirvana's "Nevermind" for old time sake... and then as I was listening, I realized that Nirvana's best song isn't Lithium or Smells Like Teen Spirit, or even All Apologies or Heart Shaped Box. To me, Nirvana's best song is "Drain You." I just think that's what Nirvana was trying to do, what that song was. I think it's beautiful. Now don't get me wrong: I still don't believe that Nirvana is all that much of a great band, but listening to that song I got a form of respect for what they were trying to do. It put them above a lot of bands in my mind hearing that song. Brittney's probably going to kill me for writing this entry. But, oh well Brittney. Anyways, We also heard AIC on the radio. They played "Would?" I listened to Layne Staley and thought of Staylee Lane. I thought of Julie a lot, actually. I thought of being at shows with her, and listening to beautiful music, and crying with her, and holding her. Feeling the music, ya know? I think I could do that with "Drain You." If Nirvana would have done an album full of Drain You's, I think they could have been an amazing band. They already were, but I think that would have made them musically amazing, not just "we're making a big change amazing." Ya know? Oh well. I don't know how to portray it to you that I made a mistake about Nirvana, but some of my opinions are still right in my mind. Ya know? Oh well. I just got home and thought I'd write about my good day, in which nothing bad has happened. So there it goes.

"And everything's beautiful."
-Supernatural by Splender


1:18 a.m. - 2003-01-26


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