cuke15's Diaryland Diary


The \"14000 things to be happy about\" Game - Day 2

The "14000 things to be happy about" Game - Day 2 of 2800 (Items 6-10)

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6. sweet fresh corn and tender baby green lima beans drenched with cream- That sounds awesome, except for the lima beans part. The corn and cream sounds really good, though. I could imagine that mealting in my mouth.. Remind me to actually try that one day. Hehe. I love corn with butter on it. I used to hate corn, or atleast not like it much. But I kind have grown into it over the past year or two, though. I guess maybe it had to have been an aquired taste for me. I could always tolerate corn, but I'd rather not eat it... now I would though, if I'm in the mood for it.

7. the "snuggle right in" feeling- Call me stupid, but I had to ask Laura what this actually was. She told me it was when you first climb in bed. I, honestly, like that feeling. I bet a lot of people do, of course. It was always better if your bed had been made all day long because when you climbed in it was so cool under there. Once you got situated and you started actually relaxing in there, that's when it's really good. I love that feeling. I feel so warm and stuff. A lot of times I like to go into the fetal position under my blnaket when I first go in. That always feels nice too, especially after a shower. Maybe that doesn't constitute the "snuggle right in" feeling. I'll have to consult Laura.

8. a lake catching the last flecks of sunlight coming in over the pines- I have actually been lucky enough to witness this, and it's amazingly pretty. I find it hard to see how anyone can not be at peace for atleast a minute while looking at that orange color landing and reflecting off the lake. It's really pretty. It's actually something so pretty I could actually find myself crying about it. Things like this make it worth living. I think I'm starting to border into that "THERE'S SO MUCH BEAUTY" shit in American Beauty. I'll shut up now. I really like that image in my mind, though.

9. the position of your head as you bite into a taco-this reminds me of those Taco Bell commercials a few years ago where Shaq improved his free throw by eating taco's with his head slanted sideways. It's funny to think about. With me, it's different, though. I tilt the taco just enough so nothing falls out, then I compensate by turning my head the rest of the way. That way I don't have to turn my head the whole way. I bet this would be a fun thing to watch other people to do at a taco resteraunt. Got to remember to try that next time I'm at Taco Bell.

10. shadows cast by shutters against shiny white walls- This one actually remidns me of depression. It's really pretty to see, but I remember that image after too many break ups while sitting in the hall next to the window where the blinds were. I don't know. It was always just a depressing image. I guess that's because I spent too muc time looking at the darkness in it all instead of the equal light in it all. Who knows. Oh well.

See you tomorrow,

PS: If you want to do it and want me to link to you, make sure you AIM me a link or email me a link or something. Any form of contact is accepted.

9:03 p.m. - 2003-09-20


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