cuke15's Diaryland Diary


The Cast!


*all ages (in parenthesis) are relevent to the date this entry was published. I also guessed your age if I didn't know it. If you want to be added, or want your age or link corrected.. contact me.

I'm a lazy person. I love music. I enjoy helping each other. I have a lot of ups and downs. I'm a Christian and have my own evidence of God. I don't like seeing others sad, no matter how mad they've made me in the past. I have lots of bad sides too. Other than being lazy, I go in cycles and make the same mistakes over and over again. I'm very opinionated and at times don't take well to others challenging my opinions. I'm also pretty intense. If you're doing something wrong, you usually know it.

My best friend and soulmate. I love every minute I spend with her. She's fun to do just about anything with, from bowling to playing boardgames to going to hockey games, to cooking together, and to just about anything. When I'm with her even the things that I hate doing don't seem that bad. I can talk to her about anything and I look forward to spending my whole life with her :D. Yay.

I've got nothing but love for my mom. Even though she can sometimes be intense, she's usually the coolest. She's always been on my side, even when I've done things wrong. Her main concern has always and will always be just trying to make things better for me. She tries to make me learn things and doesn't force them. Maybe that's why I learn so much about how to be a good a person from her.
My dad and I have an up and down relationship. There has been a history of abuse. I think I've been trying too hard to make things work, and everytime they end up failing again I just feel further away and it makes it seem like it won't work ever again. Sometimes he can say things that really hurt. It seems as if he's just saying it to hurt me, as well. I think maybe the source of all my problems comes from him. Of course, he always thinks he's the one helping since he used to bring me to therapy and all that, but the truth is I would probably be a lot happier if I had never went to therapy. My problems are mostly with him. He can be pretty cool sometimes, though, when he tries.
My brother. Jer and I used to not get along. It took until we were older to realize just how cool we were with each other. He's a great friend and will be there to listen to me. He's usually fun to go and do things with, as well. Usually I'm nervous around, him, though, because of the obvoius past.

The best friend I think I probably have ever had. Julie and I are a lot alike and struggle with a lot of the same things in life. The one difference I've noticed with her than in mostly everyone else I've ever met is that she still has faith for a good world. She still has faith for a happy ending, a good life. With her life, you would think that she would be the last person in this position, but she's not. I've said before that she is heaven-sent. I really think she's the one earhly person, other than my mom, who has made a permanent positive change on my life. She helped me get hooked on Pearl Jam. She's a guitarist!
Another great friend. I met her just recently (according to the published date of this entry). I went to Orlando to visit her and had a great time. She's a good friend to talk to and listen to. She seems down about a lot of stuff, but I do think things will get better in her life. Hopefully, soon. She's fun to listen to and she's a fellow Butch Walker fan. She's also half-Egyptian! (That's really cool... if you don't know.) She's really sweet and playful.
Kelsea may only be 12, but she's definetely just as easy to hold a conversation with and just as mature as any 16 or 17 year old person I know. She loves to play volleyball. She plays guitar. She is going to be going to the same high school the guys from Injected went to. She's really nice and will listen to your problems. She kind of gives me faith that the next generation after mine will make the world a better place. Sort of like the 60's generation. She makes me happy and is on a lot when I just want to talk. So that's always good.
Leona is my best in real life buddy. She's also my concert buddy. We've seen a lot of bands together. When we're together we're always have fun. We always notice the same things and we talk to each other about anything we want. Out of anyone in this world, her musical taste is closer to mine than anyone elses. That's something special in it's self. She's a great artist and she enjoys just trying to make everyone reconcile and make everyone happy. She's a very good friend.
Dyanne and I became really close after I went back to school in January of 2002. We used to talk on the phone all the time and she would come over sometimes and play guitar. Eventually she got a job at pizza hut, and I had started going out with Chrissy. A little while after that her and I stopped talking for a while. In October 2002, however, we started talking again. That leads us to where we are now. She's really innocent, but she's got an awesome taste in music (although, I can't really relate to her music that well). She always tries to help with your problems.
Chrissy is an ex-girlfreind of mine. My second human love in life. We went out in the late months of 1999. She is the reason I even have a diary to begin with. We have despised the fact that our relationship (either as friends or as a pair) has always been off and on. We really clash but in the end, I think things turned out better than we could have expected at one point in our time knowing each other. She's a great person who will listen to you. Good singer.
Chelle and I used to be on really good terms with each other. We have grown apart, but by all means aren't against each other. She's there when you REALLY have a problem and she's very funny. Her and I have only had one minor difference, but we easily worked through it.
Usually (but not always), when I mention Heather I'm talking about this one. She and I got off to a rough start, but eventually patched up the big issue between us. We've had quite and off and on freindship. I believe I even went out wtih her for 3 days. She's good for cheering you up and she helps you get through things you are having trouble thinking about. I think maybe the problem between us is that we're a lot alike.
I think I've always liked Sheri. I've always wanted to make things work between her and I. That's why I usually always easily forgive her if I'm mad at her about anything. She's a good listener. She seems to have a lot of problems of her own, too, though. She just seems to be getting by from day to day without trying to do anything special. I wish more people could be like that.
Shawn and I have known each other for probably six or seven years now. We used to cause a lot of trouble and used to have fun just doing random impulsive things that other people didn't like. I sometimes miss that. He and I have grown apart, though, but he will always be a good person. Probably more so than I can ever be. He's an artist deep down inside just waiting to burst out. That's how he's going to help other people.
One of my ex-girlfriends. At first we enjoyed talking to each other but eventually we just grew apart. She listens though, and understands a lot about how special things can be, especially if not too many other people know about them. She has a lot of problems and flaws, though.
Katie was my first human love in life. I've known her for six or seven years as well. She and I had an amazing relationship and we still do, but just as friends now. She and I went through a period of 2 years of not talking. We eventually patched things up and I think she trusts me more now than she has ever before. She's a good friend and will listen to you. She is very playful when she's in a good mood and can see life in a way that I have never seen others see it. She's very beautiful, but in a very dark way. All she wants is inner peace, I guess that's what makes it beautiful.
Bob is a guy who lives in Fernandina Beach. He's a great friend and feeds me when I come over! He's Billy's (my roomate) friend and he's friends with my mom. He's married to Ruthie. Nick is his son, Cujo is his dog.
Billy is my roomate. He can be loud and obnoxious and careless of other's feelings. At the same time, though, he can help you grow so much and he tries to make you feel welcome wherever you go. He always worries about your welfare.
Cujo is the best Rottweiler ever. He's so sweet and playful. I love going to Bob's house to play with him. He's got an obsession with the flashlight. When you shine it on the ground, he'll stare at that spot for hours. He's such a sweet dog.
Miss Ruthie is Bob's wife and Nick's mom. She's sweet. She seems a bit reserved and doesn't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable. When she has an opportunity to talk to you, she'll talk and she likes talking about her life. She does it in a really good way, though. She's a very sweet and interesting lady.
Nick is Desirae's husband. He's Savannah's child. I don't know much about him right now, though, but I mention him sometimes.
Desirae is a nice person who looks at you the way you are. She's Nick's wife, and only at 17 years old she's the mother of Savannah. But don't let her age fool you, she's a very mature girl and an amazing mother. She seems to be very understanding of your position.
Probably the cutest little girl I ever have seen. About a year and a half old. There isn't a lot I can say about her, but if you want to know about her personality then read this entry. Nick is her dad, Desirae is her mom.
I've known Darnell for a really long while. He's good to talk to sometimes, but can be cocky. He's a good singer and a good lyricist.

5:13 p.m. - 2002-11-09


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