cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Lisa, dance, my day

Well, sorry I haven't wrote in a while. Anyways, I'm out of ISS, I broke up with Lisa and here is my day:

1st Period we played a game and I was good

2nd Period I wrote notes with Zoe and did some work.

3rd Period I wrote notes with Heather and prepared my break up note to Lisa.

Between 3rd and 4th I delivered the note.

4th Period was fun and I made a sign:

"Single 16 y/o maile seeks:

a female who'll pay attention to me, talk to me, go out on dates with me.

Also, A BIG plus is a strong kissing relationship. Sex=Not Necessary, Please sign back if you're interested"

I got Heather Holmes, Nikki Alexander, Stephanie Basey, Shareka Roberts (YEAH!!), Carly Weaver, Valarie Yother, Ashley and Chelly. Frickin Awesome huh,

Anyways, I made a plan that will start to day. At the bottom of every journal entry, 1 time a day, I will rate my day and give it a number 1-10. Then I will chart myself in different ways with a line graph.

Pretty cool, huh?

I like this other Lisa right now, but people have told me she's stuck up. I don't think I am going to ask her out, I may, though, ask Ashley out. I doubt she'll say yes, but hey, what's a no answer? I may go to the dance tomorrow with Zoe or Ashley or both. Well, that's all for today.

Today's Rating: 6.5



Lisa, dance, my day

14:20:28 - 2000-03-24


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