cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Heather, Ashley, Katie, Lisa

Heather, I wouldn't call Ashley stupid. Yes, I have been manipulative to Chrissy because I wanted more from her, yes i'll admit that. Yes, I broke up with Ashley for another girl. Mindy was kinda pulling me twoards her, so that adds to it. But, I wouldn't call Ashley stupid. Today, Lisa (the girl i've had the crush on since February 14th (Valentine's Day)) told me that when I'm single her and I could hook up because now we have an agreement. But, if I was manipulative, would I be with her right now? Yes. I plan on keeping Ashley for a while. Heather, I learn as I go along, and I learn from my mistakes. The reason I didn't stay with you is because you were moving and it just didn't feel real being with you, it felt to me that you should be just a friend. I did have a very deep emotional talk with your mom, yes I did, about you. It was probably the most caring thing i've ever heard about you and it made me cry that night, to realize that I lost you. But still, my original feeling stayed... we were better off as friends. But I promise you Ashley and I will not be ending soon. I will write that in blood if you want me to. I don't feel i'm a jackass. And I don't know if you still think I am. But i'm sorry if I have put any stress on you. Hey what did I say, you know me best. 3/4ths the stuff you said about me in your diary was true. I would like to tell you just to observe Ashley & I and watch if I manipulate her. And if I do, beat me upside the head with a stick or something. I doubt it will happen though.

OK, on to the day.

Got on the bus, after I got off, Heather Hunter was being a real bitch, and she has a justified reason if what she says was true.

I understood the reason. But when it came to lunch and she just took my seat when she knew I was sitting by Ashley and she just was so cruel when she was telling me how it was her seat now and "so what it was your seat", that was so cruel that I had started to get aggitated... I just wanted to scream "FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING WHORE" then slap her in the face, but I knew i'd regret that coz we are friends and she does mean alot to me, so anyways, I sat down next to Ashley then the freshman got to be too much for me, being inconsiderate.

I left, Ashley came outside a couple of minutes later and we walked up twoards Jason Kimballs group and we were just holding each other and talking. Ashley and I are making plans for this weekend, I wonder how that will turn out. Laura and her b/f might double with us 2 at a movie. On the bus Katie and I were talking. Katie got Michael to like her, you go girl!!!! :). It was so good to see the joy in Katie's eyes. You have no clue, so I told her about Lisa and Ashley and everything. And we just talked, like always. Talking to Katie usually removes so much stress, and it did.

That was pretty much my day



Heather, Ashley, Katie, Lisa

19:04:08 - 2000-03-02


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