cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Don't Speak... I know

Well, Mindy said she can't have a boyfriend and she would like to still talk, but the funny thing is. And this is funny. I was listening to 95.1 (I NEVER DO!!!) and I opened the e-mail, and 2 seconds after I opened it "Don't Speak" by No Doubt came on.

Perfectly describing how I feel. I guess I have to move on and I guess I understand her. I am going to get over my bastard-like self and talk to her again. I need some recovery time though. I also need to throw away that note I wrote her today.

It's kinda ironic how things work out. She says I should go out with Lisa, she likes her. The thing is, Lisa and I are buddies and that's all we ever will be. Mindy and I have this thing about us that I can describe in a Led Zeppelin line... "I was her lover, she was my friend". I lost faith after the first time we broke up then I regained it then this happened.

I guess it's what happens. Katie, e-mail me tomorrow if you like. I guess I need some moral support for the time being. Oh yeah, and for all you bitches who are upset because I don't talk to you after we break up because of something you did. Think about Katie, we broke up because of something I did and we didnt talk for fucking 2 and a fucking half years. It was because she feared me for a while and I feared her after things, but I always had the urge to still speak to her, and as you can read in my December entries, we just started talking.

Things work fucked up sometimes, and I will move on. I know of 2 girls right now who want the chance with me. Ashley (according to Stephanie) and Valerie (a different one [according to Amy and Tammy]). BUT. I think I am going to stay single for a while. If you have a problem with that you can take it up with me here.

I will talk to everyone later

Love ya




Don't Speak... I know

21:42:34 - 2000-02-16


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