cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Bible Reading and Friends

Hello everyone! My day's been pretty normal so far. I couldn't go to church today, which really sucks. That's 2 weeks in a row. Anyways, yesterday I read Exodus 16:1-36. It was a good chapter. It was about how the people, who were once slaved, were out in the desert, and they blamed God for not giving them food. God then told Moses the instructions for food and stuff, and God made food. He said, don't take more than one days serving. People kept some over night and maggots had ate it over night. On the 6th day, Moses told them to get 2 days servings, because the 7th day is God's day of rest, where he doesn't make food. People took 2 days worth of food, and over night there were no maggots eating the food. I found that incredible. The Ten Commandments are also in this chapter.

Anyways, i've been trying to get a hold of Mindy all day today. I want to ask her if she wants to watch the sunset tomorrow. I think that'd be awesome for a Valentine's day present. I'll have to clear it with my mom though. I can't wait to see Mindy again.

I talked to Ashley some today, she is becoming more open to me which totally kicks ass. Anyways, I wrote Michelle P. an e-mail and asked her why she left me out in the cold and why she gave up on me. I don't know, things will work out though, they always do.

Bible Reading and Friends

Male Female Date Started Time Together Time Together in Days
Tim Mindy 1/26/2000 2 Weeks 4 Days 18 Days

14:03:37 - 2000-02-13


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