cuke15's Diaryland Diary


The morning, basically

I'm back. It's in the early morning and I am typing this because I have insomnia, I think. Heather Holmes was telling me about how Mindy had the tendancy to leave guys and it really did scare me. I think I actually do like her alot and I do love her.

It's kind of weird about how I was making such a big deal over the stuff with Chrissy. I mean, I was like "I never felt so strongly over a girl so fast"... well... that was true... until now. I'm proud of myself for finding someone (props to Heather Holmes for finding her). Anyways, I went to Johnson's Music yesterday and bought 15 picks. Now I have 5 .46mm's, 5 .88mm's and 5 1mm, so I can play really softly or really hard.

I have ISS today, that's not in my favor, but I guess I'll live. I think that I will probably be going over to Mindy's house either today or tomorrow. I hope tomorrow because Wednesday is the middle of the week, and it will help me get through the rest of the week, ya know what I mean? Anyways, things have been feeling really good lately. I have been praying alot and I have become way more spiritual. I am doing this for my sake and for the sake of Heather Hunter's child. I will be the godfather and I will make a good one. I want to be there for this child since the real father (HEY!!! DON'T PIN IT ON ME... I WAS WITH CHRISSY WHEN IT HAPPENED!!!!) won't support it. I think that is weak, he can't use protection, he shouldn't be having sex. I know that lesson. I have millions (not literally, but almost) of condoms and stuff.

I didn't e-mail Mindy yesterday, so I have to today. Well, that is about all I have to say for right now. Bye!!!



"You make me come.... You make me complete.... You make me completly miserable"


God bless you all.

02:38:34 - 2000-02-01


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