cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Saturday... date

Well, it was originally intended just to be for Mindy and I, but here goes the story of my Saturday. Mindy and I had been planning to go to the movies since Thursday. We were going to go see Hurricane (since I can get rated R tickets without being carded), but we figured we'd hang out first. So I told Heather that and her and Shawn decided to do the same, so I went to the movies at 1:10 and waited until 2:10 when I met up with Mindy, then we walked over to Wal-mart where we met up with Shawn and Heather, we went to go sit in the snack bar where we talked for a while. I pulled Shawn aside and we went to the pharmacy to go and buy some condoms. After I got back Mindy and I shared our first kiss together. That was good. Then Shawn and Heather left for the movies and we followed them, we went into Scotty's Hardware to see if Mrs. Payne (an old teacher of mine) was still working. She wasn't. So the 4 of us proceded to the movies. We enter the movies at about 3:50, where we sit on a bench, making out until 4:25. Mindy and I left to go watch Hurricane then, as Shawn and Heather waited for the call for Girl Interrupted. Mindy and I made out for the first part of the movie and most of the rest of the movie, it was pretty fun. There was also some other stuff, but that is for me to know. But anyways, the movie ended and I met Mindy's dad who is really cool, then I went home. I called Ashley and we are officially not getting back together, but that's OK, we were'nt cut for each other. Anyways, I called Heather Holmes and had a talk with her, and we were talking about our nights, all 4 of us (Shawn, her, Mindy, and I) had good nights. Zoe was in the theaters but went to go see a different movie. It was our plan to have a single date, but I liked the double date format, but only because it didn't stay a double-date the whole time. Mindy gave me her necklace. Mindy is totally fine and she thinks i'm cute, so it kicks ass. I bought her ticket, her some popcorn and her a drink. I have 5 dollars left. Everything is going peachy and I can't wait to talk to Mindy tomorrow on the day after. It'll be so awesome. Well, I guess that is all for now. I am sorry for all of you who like the drama in my life, there isn't too much right now.

22:33:12 - 2000-01-29


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