cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Chrissy, Katie.. stuff

UUUGGgggHHHHH!!! Why do I have the burning feeling Chrissy is just leading me on? Probably because she won't give me a hug at the bus or anything. I don't know... Katie thinks i'm making a mistake. Heather Holmes says that it'll work out. Heather Hunter didn't state her opinion. I just don't know it's so confusing. All I know is that Ty wants to ask Chrissy out. I wish she'd just give me a chance. I don't know what she'll say to Ty, I just know she told me she wanted to be single for a while and that's why she turned me down. Things are in bad shape for Katie... I don't want to talk about it. She doesn't know if she likes me. I hope she does though, she just doesn't know who she likes anymore. She's a smart girl and all. It looks like my top two prospects are Katie & Chrissy. Both are out of reach at the moment. (Chrissy wants to be single and Katie has a boyfriend). I can't wait forever for either of them. Especially when people like me.

Kim� I don't care that you did that stuff with Drew.. *laughs*... that is the same shit me and Chrissy did. Don't be mad. Anyways, if you think Chrissy will say yes (and not lead me on) send mail here. If you think she'll say no, send mail here. I feel I deserve another chance, but it's not up to me. I guess I have a little faith she's telling the truth, it's just it doesn't really matter if I'm going to have to wait forever, I don't know, I also wrote an entry earlier today concerning this matter, it's located here.

Well I think I should go, I hafta call Nicole and ask her about her new crush.




I love Katie & Chrissy, the only 2 girls i've ever loved.

16:28:30 - 1999-12-13


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