cuke15's Diaryland Diary


The past 18 hours

OK, lets start from last night. Billy called and asked if I'd go to church, being the Christian I am, needing to be forgiven for the stuff I have done in the week and to be with Billy, I said yes. OK, I talked to Michelle for a while. Then I went to sleep. I don't usually write about dreams in here, but this one is the first one i've had since September. I had a dream that my moms friend took me and Katie on a date, the only part is my dream was about the ride home, I was making out with Katie the whole time, we went back to my place and my mom came up to the car and asked my mom's friend if that was Katie, and my mom's friend said "yes, they've been making out all the way home" and my mom was like "hi Katie", and I got out of the car. That was the end of the dream. I don't know what kind of sign that gives off. Is my mom letting me talk to Katie? She knows I e-mail her, but is my mom actually letting me? Does Katie like me? I mean, if Russell wasn't in the picture. What does all this mean? And why the hell my mom's friend? Ok, so I woke up, didn't feel well, told mom to call Billy's house and tell them I couldn't come. I then played video games for a while, checked for e-mail (nothing important), got a call from Laura, she told me to read her diary, so I did. She has a new love.. congrats babe! I still don't like the fact that her new love likes to be known as God. Kind of offensive, but I guess I have to live with it. Anyways, I then got on and read Kim's diary. Looks like she was having fun at the dance... a little too much.. *laughs*. Kim� it depends about the cow.. how much would it cost to send.. if it is under 5 dollars, send it. If it's over.. wait til summer. MoOOOooOOoOooOooOOoooOooO <--- just for you. I want to talk to Katie today, I think I'll call her and Michelle and talk to them. I trust them about girl problems. I trust Billy about serious problems. Billy helped me with child abuse, smoking, Chrissy, etc... Now that I have no serious problems.. all me and Billy do is go to church, drive around, and play futbol americano (football). Overall, it's been a good day so far. I'm feeling better. I wish I would have gone to church, coz at about 11 (the time church started), I felt better. They left at 9 though coz Sunday school started at 9:15. Sunday school at the church (Westside Baptist) is fun. Things are really good right now. Billy is teaching me how to play some stuff off of the Jimmie's Chicken Shack CD.. primarily "Do Right" and "Ooh".. plus he is teaching me "High" from their old CD, which he can play without the CD. So things are kicking ass. Oh yeah, Kim... Billy was reading your diary.. and he fell in love with you.. i've never seen Billy fall for a girl that quick. He read it and he was like.. in love with you. It was funny. I showed him your picture afterwards and he fell in love even more. Looks like Drew's got some compition. If you come down here, Billy is going to be like... over here all the time, checking you out.. *laughs*.. just thought I'd tell you.





13:23:23 - 1999-12-12


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