cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Billy, Football, Movies, Heather, etc.

Good Morning! Today i'm going to piss on whatchamacallit's notes and then send them to hell (by fire, probably). It'll feel good. I've lost so much weight in the past 2 weeks, (15 lbs) that even my jncos are starting to feel normal, and jncos are as tight as a bitch usually at the waist. Billy & I were going to go see a movie today, but he has that varsity fooball game against Warner Robins. He said "well, they haven't been practicing for all week, so instead of losing by 50... I think we'll lose more along the lines of 20 or so". That just shows you what we are going against, huh? Heather and I are going to go to the movies to see Toy Story 2 one of these days. We don't know if we'll do it as a couple or a group. We aren't even going out, but you know how that it (read the past entries). I was going to write some last night, but I didn't really have anything to say. Last night just seemed dull compared to the night before (with Heather). I gave Billy my Limp Bizkit, Staind, and KoRn CD's to borrow for the long journey to Warner Robins. I guess that's what he needs, some music to pump him up. I think i'm going to go get my Eve6 CD back from his sister either today or tomorrow. I've been living off of the blues and rock from Led Zeppelin. My favorite band of alltime (Staind is my favorite from 1999). Today is the first day I actually get to be home alone for more than 6 hours without it going against my school record. Nifty, huh? I'm still waiting for Kim to e-mail me. I can understand if she's too busy for me *cries*. Just playing wif ya. Yo, the coolest thing happened last night, Billy came over and we listened to the whole Metallica album (2 CD's), compliments of the link that was (may still be) on Planet Radio 93.3's Website. I still got to e-mail my aunt so I can get Kim down here. Ya know what I mean? She needs a break from that citylife. Reminds me of a Stroke 9 song: "If i wasn't here.. all this shit would just go on anyways.. If you weren't here.. everything would just go anyways, so if that's what you learn then why do you stay? when this city life.. this city life.. is dragging us down." <--"Citylife" There is a bunch of turkey left over, so I can tell you what is for dinner if I don't have turkey for breakfast, lunch, and 3 snacks today. It's been an average day so far, nothing really sticking out to talk about. I just thought I'd write you because lately I write you every night before I go to bed, but I didn't do that yesterday, so I thought I would this morning. Well, I gotta go.




"D'Yer Ma'ker" by Led Zeppelin is a kick ass reggae/rock song. I suggest picking up a copy of a CD with that on it.. I know there is about 4 of them, or you can get the Led Zeppelin cover cd.. Sheryl Crow does "D'Yer Ma'ker"

10:10:52 - 1999-11-26


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