cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Councelling, 2 more Heathers today, Liz (I think), Shawn, playing the field, and stuff.

Well, the councellor was the same dude on call at the

hospital, he's pretty nifty. Kinda wierd about all this,

though. We were getting into the dangers of caffiene pills, coz he takes the same kind of pills that whatchamacallit takes (or used to take), but he takes them so he can do late shifts at the hospital. He says that they are bad if you don't need them. There-professional proof. I'm thinking about staying single for a while and playing the field. The field is pretty big for me this year. A bunch of girls like me thathave told me, and who knows how many others.

I guess they'll all just have to wait until i'm single, though. I'm not really supposed to say anything about the councelling.

The first part was before we signed the agreement for

privacy. It doesn't concern anything anyways, just some

goals. I talked to Heather, Laura, and Liz today. Liz is

getting into future-telling. That's pretty nifty. Kim's

friend Heather (from Buffalo) has e-mailed me alot today.

Something is really wierd though. I don't know what to say

to her because I never really knew her before, oh well, I

guess i'll just have to get to know her, huh? I do have

some stats on her though�she's 15, 10th grade, single. She

called me a sweetheart, but she is more of one.. I said

"smile" and she said "i'll smile if you smile". I know her

favorite color is red, she likes limp bizkit and kid rock,

she used to be depressed, favorite actor is ben afflak (sp?)

favorite actress is kate winslet (sp?). She likes to hang

out with her friends. I got 8 e-mails from her today. Yet another Heather came along probably after reading this. She e-mailed me.. she will be referred to as "Yet another Heather". She e-mailed me once and I e-mailed her back. I wonder if anything else will come out of that. I don't know, i've had a bunch of strangers e-mailing me today, makes me feel kind of speshul. I wonder what entry number this is... probably 27-30 or so. I'm worried about Shawn, I havne't seen him in a while. Oh yeah, if you have IRC, you can reach me either on Chatnet in #teens, Dalnet in #psychotic (with a bunch of Camden Countiners), or on Talkcity in #wiccan-friends (i'm not wiccan, don't ask why I go there, coz I don't know, I'm Christian). Well, I don't have much else to say, except goodbye.



20:12:45 - 1999-11-24


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