cuke15's Diaryland Diary


My Very Nice Day

It's the end of 5th Period. Michelle was mad at me, and I got really mad and just walked out of fourth period, where they sent me to the guidance office, where i've been since. I was really upset, so she called Michelle in where her and I talked, and it really scared me, alot. Michelle is a very smart girl and some things that happen scare me alot. I was crying in front of her, it hurts alot. IF HURTS. We worked things out, and the councellor and I talked. Then I went back to class, where I am now. I am scared out of my mind of change, and change is taking place.

I don't know what to do. I'm just afraid. I told Michelle I'm afraid because I'm switching groups of friends, and the group i'm starting to hang around with seem annoyed with me. Michelle told me she thought Kristina likes me, but I know to God that I annoy her, I just try so hard to make everyone happy and most of the time it doesn't work anymore. I don't care. My old friends are changing, my new ones are changing. I don't know where I stand, except with Laura, Michelle, and Billy.


14:21:18 - 2000-01-12


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