cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Eve6 and Stuff

I'm bored. I thought I'd write you. I listened to Korn,

Eve6, Stroke 9, and Limp Bizkti today, with a side of Spider Monkey, Seven Nations and Tether's End. I finally got that

native noise CD back from Heather.

Life is pretty cool right now. I finished my homework, so I completed my goal. Spanish was being a fother mucker

though, I love pumping the bass up on KoRn and Limp Bizkit,

it makes me feel so good.

I can't belive I got Kim (my cousin) stuck on Staind, I

actually made an influence, that makes me really speshul. I could care less about Limp Bizkit or KoRn, but I got her

stuck on Staind, how many people could do that?

Liking Staind must run in the blood (on my mom's side). My

dad just called.. I let him listen to "Wicked" by Korn f/

Chino Martinez from the Deftones. I love that Ice Cube

rip-off. It makes me happy. Anyways, ya'll really need to

make friends with Kim.

All the people who consider me to be their friend would

contact her. She's really speshul, she's just like one of

us, only in the New York version. She still calls me a

little wimp b/c I wouldn't get on a rollercoaster, I bet I

would today, though. It doesn't matter, if I got her down

to a carnival, I'd prove her wrong. Well, they put new

electricity on the new trailor, now they gotta fix the

water, and do the other stupid stuff.

Well, pretty soon my mom will want to use the internet, I

can feel it. It's Ok if she does, coz I'll just get on

later. I gotta change CD's.. I gotta choose between Eve6 &

Stroke 9... i'll choose.. hmm.. err.. eeny meeny miney mo..

pick a tiger by its toe, if it hollors let it.. eeny meeny

miney mo... Eve6... cool. That was the toughest decision

i've ever had to make. Eve6 has to be the best of the two

though, no doubt. Eve6 is within the top 5 of all CD's i've ever owned. I know it sounds like a crazy statement, but

ya'll don't know what kind of effect this CD has on me. It

makes me want to dance.

My brother just gave me a Pepsi cap stating I've won a Music CD... woohoo.. now to figure out where to claim it. I think I'll probably pick up Joydrop or Jimmie's Chicken Shack.

They both rock. Hmm... I hope there are no limits to what I choose.

Anyways, I'm listening to "Inside Out" right now... good appregios at the beggining, makes me all warm and fuzzy inside... plus the little pussy 3 note chords. It's OK.. the drum/bass combination makes up for it... I told you I like to analyze music. *smiles*

Yes it's true, the Jaguars are #1, it's hard to believe. Anyways, There is this chick on the bus, Patricia, God she is a trip, one of the coolest people i've ever met, she's a junior & acts like a freshman and she says i'm a freshman who acts like a junior. I guess that is why all the juniors/seniors on the bus want me to sit with them.. A lot of the juniors/sophomores are my friends. Mostly coz of Billy. Man, me and him are a trip together. Remember #1) Music, #2) Girls.

There isn't much significance of anything else to say that I haven't already said.

Well Good-Bye



"Rondezvous then i'm through with you"... hey.. i wonder if i spelled that right.. let me check, nope it's Rendezvous... I was one letter off.. Oh well, I came closer than most people would have came.

20:18:44 - 1999-11-15


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