cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Jaguars, School, blah blah, ect.

Well, the Jaguars won 6-3... so now they have the best record in the NFL (8-1). I haven't talked to Ashley all day, I don't think she's home, but a little time apart never hurt anyone.

People really respect me with my new haircut. It looks really respectable. I've almost got my application for Food Lion finished, I just need to add one more reference. As I said before, I'm pretty confident.

I have been writing alot lately, so go look at my older entries to see if you've missed anything.. the little button is to the left of this text on the toolbar.

But anyways, Stroke 9 is very yummy.. their music is very delicious and fun to analize. Where else could you find wah-wah, tremelo, and distortion on a single ska chord? Ok, only people who play guitar and listen to ska know what i'm talking about. Wah-Wah is the noise a Wah-Wah pedal makes, self-explainatory. Tremelo is the change of volume rapidly. Distortion is self-explanitory. Ska is stuff like "Do Right" by Jimmie's Chicken Shack if you add horns, Eve6, if you add horns, No Doubt, Sublime, ect. So now you are all a little smarter because of me, I'm glad to know i've made a difference. Actually if you think about it.. "Do Right" by Jimmie's Chicken Shack has tremelo on ska chords, just no distortion and/or wah-wah. I'm feeling a little stressed today, but that's because I've been helping moving all day, except when I went to walmart. I talked to Stephanie for a few minutes too.

I really don't care if anyone reads this or not, it is just a way for me to vent the truth in my life, as I perceive it, but I am always open for suggestions. Eve 6 & Stroke 9 are both scrumptious and I am beginning to like their type of music.. I guess it is the power of the 6 & the 9.

Oh yeah, I've pretty much accomplished my goal. I haven't said one cussword today out loud, and I'm proud. I am very happy. Now I am going to have to choose a new goal for tomorrow. I guess it is to be nice to Ashley, talk to her more, and actually get in the habit of doing my homework, again. "These are my hands-These are my faults-These are my plans-These are my nasty little thoughts"� Stroke 9.

I can't wait to see all my friends tomorrow, especially Ashley. I really love her more and more after every day. But I am going at a slow pace with her, because I don't want to lose her, it's almost too good to be true. My cousin (whom I've told you about) is in this same situation, so is Laura. All 3 of us are like, in the perfect relationships, and you can tell, we are all so much noticably happier. Especially Kimberly and Me. Laura is more happier coz she's just not sad. That's good. Tammy hasn't e-mailed me today, I'm going to have a sit-down talk with her tomorrow in Spanish and try and tell her the importance of e-mailing her bestest friend in Spanish. Tammy is stressing over Biology, she thinks she's stupid, but she's not. Maybe quiet, but not stupid. We had our lunch switched Friday from 2nd to 3rd because of some stupid orienteering that I went to last year, and I sat with Tammy, she's under alot of stress, she's a very smart and athletic girl, It's kind of sad that she's depressed like that, but then again, that's how I am some times. Tammy reminds me of me, it's odd. I talked to Heahter Hunter today and I told her to give me my CD back, coz I miss hearing Teather's End and Limp Bizkit, but Seven Nations most of all.

I think the music I've been listening to as of late has really helped me. Plus seeing all my friends. It kind of makes me comfortable going to school. Even the preps are being nice to me. I guess I am a mix of all the groups in the school. I can't wait to get to 4th Period tomorrow to see Sharika, that girl is a trip, I look forward to it every day. She is nice and she likes to sing. She is like the other female version of me. She makes me feel alot happier everyday also. Well, I'll either write even more tonight (it's 7:32 right now, i've been writing for 9 minutes) or I'll write tomorrow.




Stroke 9 owns you.

19:23:01 - 1999-11-14


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