cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Pok�mon, Heather, Ashley, Eve6

Life keeps getting better, it's surprising. We (me, Heather Holmes (the girl I used to be mad at for saying Chirstians suck), Jarred, Leona, and Nick Schoff) went to go see Pok�mon today, it was a funny movie. It has too many morals though, but me and Heather couldn't stop making weird comments all movie long. Like when something bad happened.. I would say really loud (so the whole theater could hear), "SON OF A...". There was a bunch of other funny stuff... we couldn't stop criticizing the movie though. We almost got kicked out coz we were loud and everyone was like "SHhhhH." but we just kept getting louder and louder. Especially me and Heather.

Ashley went to Savahnna today, but I talked to her all morning until noon. It's cool talking to her, sometimes we don't know what to say, coz we are afraid of saying something stupid, but we're working on that, soon it'll all be cool. Stephanie (Ashley's best-friend) is getting cool to me too, she's like a really cool friend now. It's a lot easier to write about all the cool things in my life. I finally got a long awaited haircut today. It looks pretty good, I think, and that's all that matters. Our varsity football team won the game last night, we are really kicking. I saw Billy in Food Lion today, we got applications, and i'm pretty confident they are going to accept both of us, coz we got references, and all our friends work there. Billy says he is going to help us move into the new trailor, I get all these good vibes around Billy, I can't get them from anybody else. He gives me confidence. We can talk about anything, but usually just girls & guitars. The 2 best things in life: #1) music, #2) girls. Michelle called me today, she seems a little stressed, but I am here to help her, because Lord knows she's helped me in the past. We went out for 13 days before, that means we are speshul. She's easy to talk to, but sometimes I don't like how she thinks, but that just adds to the variety. Life is really kicking right now, I've never felt this good for no reason before. This Eve6 CD isn't diminishing the feeling either, it makes it better. I'm glad that I am finally starting to get into the groove with these Freshman, they are really cool, 98% of them, now that they have calmed down. My 6th period class, especially. I finally figured out my girlie's full name, it be Ashley L�sha Scherbarth. I think that name is very speshul, coz it's fun to say. I don't know if that was the first time or not that I told ya'll her name. Tomorrow (Sunday the 14th) I'm going to watch the Jaguars game, write notes, move, ect. I have cut down on the cussing, not completely, but I have noticed it. I think that's cool. I still got that goal for tomorrow to, since I didn't accomplish it 100%. Later tonight I am going to call Michelle, and we gonna talk. Laura too, probably. Me and Ashley have been together for 4 days now, lucky us. Time is flying now that I'm having fun. I went outside for a minute after I got home from the movies and I hung out with Danielle for a couple of minutes. She's cool. I'm pretty sure I've probably told you about her.

Well, I got lots of people to talk to, so I can go spread my joy.




SuPeRhErO gIrL is a cool song.

Highlights from the movie: when they said "get out your pokeballs and fight" i unzipped my pants and was like "wow" and Leona was like "I wonder whats in those pokeballs" and i was like "More than pokemon".. I didn't show anything. It was really funny when they were crossing the sea and the vikings were like "stroke.. stroke.. stroke..", Perverted thoughts came over me and Heather. It was funny. I finally got to talk to Ashley just a couple minutes ago, that makes me happy.

17:52:49 - 1999-11-13


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