cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Ms. Mixon, Chrissy, and Christianity

The Lord said that he would walk by us during our hardships, not make them disappear. So I hope the Lord is walking by me, because I need guidance.

First of all, I sorta treat Chrissy bad, yes... I agree, but I only do it in a sarcastic way to try to cheer her up.. So after class, Ms. Mixon called Chrissy over to her desk and she was like "why do you go out with him when he pisses you off?" or something like that... it involved "piss" though. That makes me mad. How would she know? Any suggestions are welcome.. just click that little contact button to the left. *SiGh*.

I don't make the perfect Christian, but I am trying to mold myself to be the best one possible. Anyways, I'm listening to Staind currently (big surprise). I know I have been getting Chrissy upset recently because I know I have been stressed out, but I can't stand to lose her, she is the best thing that has ever came in my life. Yes, there are the fights and the Ms. Mixon thing, but I just want to get things straightened out.

We have been going out for 1 Month, 2 Weeks, 5 Days by the way. Well, I'm going to go chat on the internet for a while then to bed. I usually can be found on Talkcity on IRC in #wiccan-friends (I'm not Wiccan, I just think they are really nice). My nickname is TSMason. Later. Love ya, bye-bye.

22:16:04 - 1999-10-20


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