cuke15's Diaryland Diary


McKenzie and other things concerning her

Oh yeah, McKenzie had her surgery yesterday morning. I know there are a few of you who are interested. It all went well. I didn't go, but I heard it was all well. I know that makes me sound like an asshole. I probably am. I don't know. I don't think straight right after I get home from work. They had the surgery a few hours after I got home from work, and from what I had heard everything went fine. Casts for 3 more weeks and then we're ready for the shoes. She looked so big when she came up yesterday. I know I say that everytime I see her, but every single time I see her, no matter if it's been a day or a week she always seems so much bigger. I guess it's true that humans grow more in this period than they do at any other time in their life. On another note, Laura's dad is really amazing with her. He even made me smile yesterday when he was talking to McKenzie. I should aim to be more like that when it comes to McKenzie. I'm sure with time and practice I'll be like that. I had all these images in my mind about how it'd be if I was a dad, when we first found out Laura was pregnant. And it's freaky to see Laura's dad acting exactly how I had imagined I would act. I guess it's a universal thing of dads. He's just had practice. I think that's a lot of what makes me miss McKenzie, and what makes me hope we do find a way to move to Warner Robins. I want to be able to get this practice. McKenzie has such a broad personality now. I mean, it gets more developed every day. I swear everytime I see her I feel like the next time I see her she's going to be picking out her own clothes and stuff. That doesn't make sense, but that's the only way I could explain it. I'm really hoping my Grandpa can meet McKenzie soon. He'd be really lucky to meet his great grand-daughter. I hope I'm that lucky one day. I mean, think of how much a grandfather loves his grandchildren.. now think of that grandfather loving his grandchildrens children. It's amazing. I hope I'm not the only one who can relate to that. Oh well. I should probably get on out of here. I'm going to try and stay up until Laura wakes up. I want her to get her sleep and if I go in there it'll wake her up. I should go.


5:13 a.m. - 2004-07-02


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