cuke15's Diaryland Diary


work and stuff.. again.

I'm up now. I got six hours of sleep. Not as much as I had liked, but it'll get me by for today. Tomorrow will be my first day off. It's well timed too, because learning the ropes is tough buisness. I guess I'm not suspectable to any April Fools either. Oh well. I should really consider eating something before I go. I have to walk there today, because I couldn't have picked Laur up at 3 if I had taken the car. It's only half a mile, maybe upwards of a mile. So it's not like I have to make a long Exodous walk or anything.

I feel bad about last night, though. I was feeling really sick and I was complaining to Laura. I don't want to make it seem like I don't like this job, or like I'm not going to go. So far this seems like a very cool job. It's just strenuous. I need a way to wind down after work (or before it). As long as I can just get that pent up stress out then I'd be good. I was going to play guitar this morning to my Default CD, but I believe I left that one in the car :(.

Oh well, I believe today I do in fact actually meet my department manager. That would be my immediate boss. I hope he's nice. As nice as everyone else has been so far.

Overall it's been hard work, but as I said before, I finally feel as if I'm doing something right. I feel like I'm doing something honestly and it feels good. It's my real motivation. I'm doing something honest. As much as the money is going to help us, I don't consider that to be the reason I got a job. I got a job because it wasn't fair that Laura was working all day and I just sat at home.

Anyways, I don't know if I had gotten my schedule right in one of the previous entries, so here's my real schedule:

Wednesday: 12p-8p
Thursday: Off
Friday: 11a-7p
Saturday: 3p-9p

Hopefully my name will be on the schedule for next week, which gets posted Friday. Oh well, I'm gonna go. I'll talk to you guys all tomorrow, or today after work... depending on how tired I am.


7:36 a.m. - 2004-03-31


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