cuke15's Diaryland Diary


we're gonna make it right, some day we're gonna win this fight.

I'm trying to find a light weight window manager, but one that still has a taskbar and some basic functionality. Oh yeah, and it has to be able to launch some basic KDE apps too (like Konqueror). I'm sure I'll find something. I was going to try IceWM but I can't get it to compile, though, for some reason. I don't know. The load times are under a tenth of a second after a day up, so that makes me happy. I've got a nice long-term machine.

Other than that I don't have much news. Laura's mom is coming over today. She's going to take Laura to get some maternity clothes. It should make Laura more comfortable, which makes me happy.

I'm listening to the Gin Blossoms. Gotta love the Gin Blossoms. That reminds me, there is a concert at the Cotton Club at the end of the month I want to see. Joshua Todd (formerly of Buckcherry) is playing the Cotton Club for 10 bucks. If I do go, I'm sure Laura won't go so I'd be taking MARTA home, which doesn't matter to me. The club is a mile off the train line, though. And walking a mile in Midtown isn't a good thing, especially if I had to walk back at around midnight. It's no big deal, I can miss it.

Oh well, I should go do something, like clean Billy's cage.

<3 Tim

10:27 a.m. - 2004-02-20


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