cuke15's Diaryland Diary


The \"14000 things to be happy about\" Game - Day 5

The "14000 things to be happy about" Game - Day 5 of 2800 (Items 21-25)

Need to learn how to play?

21. the groan of ice on a lake when the temperature has flirted with zero all week- I don't have much experience with this, but in the small experience I do have I know I love the week before it snows, because YOU KNOW it's coming. It's like "just snow already", and when it does it's a big relief. I just love when it gets that low in temperature. I love feeling the cold, but only when it snows. I think most Georgianers are like that. That's probably why a lot of Georgianers say "I wouldn't mind if it was this cold, I just wish it'd snow." Boy, that was redundant.

22. babies who never cry- This would actually worry me a bit. I wouldn't mind a baby who wouldn't cry a lot, that'd be cool. I think crying is a healthy sign, though. I guess it'd still be really nice.

23. orchestras- wow. I've actually seen an orchestra do the works of Led Zepp with a cover band fronting them. It was really cool, I enjoyed it. I especially enjoy the string section. I always love songs with string sections. It's just really peaceful. I'm not a particular fan of classical music, but I like hearing orchestras do other types of music.

24. a boat tour to see picturesque little ocher-and-red villages- This sounds really pretty. It sounds like a late evening type of thing. It would be really pretty. Maybe one day I'll experience a boat tour like that.

25. brand new notebooks- Ah, yes. I love brand new notebooks. They're like an empty forum, and you get to fill them up with your creativity. What will you use it for? Schoolwork, Notes to People, Diary writing? For me, I usually did a combination. I just think that a brand new notebook is something everyone should have once in awhile. It's good to look back on them when they're filled up too.

See you tomorrow,

PS: If you want to do it and want me to link to you, make sure you AIM me a link or email me a link or something. Any form of contact is accepted.

10:00 p.m. - 2003-09-23


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