cuke15's Diaryland Diary


writing, music, Melissa

I feel a groove comin on. I was just getting off the computer and hopping in bed with Laura and just as I did I had the urge to get up and write an entry. Woo. I love when that happens. Unfortunatly, though, my mania has kicked in so the happiness is now replaced with depression.

It's all good, though, life's still grand and depression is always replaced again by happiness. It's like a cycle, really. I hate the cycle so much. I'd rather be completely depressed than with a cycle of happiness and depression. Then again, I'd rather be completely happy than completely depressed. I don't know. Opiate is playing in Atlanta in mid-August. Really cool. Maybe I'll still be here, who knows. OK, I had to get that out of the way. Anyways, only about 27 hours until I go and board the bus in midtown to go and tour the Job Corps Center in Brunswick. It's like 6 hours both ways or something and we'll only be there for like 30 minutes or something. It makes no sense to me. I really need to talk to Melissa. I can find out if they're staying in Atlanta at a hotel or something so if I do miss the show I can go and meet them up at the hotel. Melissa makes me feel so happy. She's always been a great friend to me. Somehow I feel she's slipping away from me, though, even though she really isn't. I just don't know. It's hard. She's busy a lot. She's meant so much to me and has became one of my best friends over the past year and a half. She's good musically too. We give each other support and stuff. I dunno. She said I would have complimented Foresight well. Too bad I don't even live in South Georgia anymore or that might have worked. I would die to be in the one real talented band in Southeast Georgia (outside Darnell's band). Oh well, I'm out of writing steam for tonight. Used some of it on IRC. Sorry guys. I'll probably feel like writing again once I lay down. That's just fucked up. That's the way it works, though.


2:37 a.m. - 2003-07-24


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