cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Brasstown Bald, Life's good


Sorry for the lack of updates. No, I haven't forgot. So Laur and I went out to Brasstown Bald (tallest mountain in Georgia), and I climbed the steps on the top of the tower on the top of the mountain making me the highest grounded person in Georgia for a few minutes. It was cool. Laura thought it was stupid that I mentioned that, but oh well. We all find joy somewhere. It was so sickening driving there and back. Winding mountain roads and up and down hills and lots of brake usage. It was just nauseating. The mountains were really nice. You could see clear out to Tennessee and North Carolina from atop of them. They had little maps on top of the tower that showed you which state the mountains in the background were in and such. I really enjoyed myself. I enjoyed myself more than I had thought I would have too. It was really educational as well. When we got home we went swimming in the pool here. I actually started getting a bit darker. It's good not to be so pale for once. Hehe. I just feel like I'm living in my youth just in the nick of time. Because, honestly, nineteen is a good age to still have fun before it's too late. Don't get me wrong; you have to start being serious. You also, though, should have fun. Just living in the moment. There are so many things you can do when you're 19 that won't alter your life completely. You can stay with new people and go around and just have fun doing random things you couldn't do because of your parent's restrictions. Don't get me wrong, either, the parent's restrictions are good. They gave you a base and showed you that you have to earn your own money and make your own plans to get to do what you want to. Now that that's happening it's became a really great life. I don't even have time to complain anymore. Life just seems like a blur of a series of moments. If I fight with anyone, who cares... life moves on. Just don't let it get to you. I don't know. I could wake up and not know whether I'm going to spend $200 on a Guinea Pig with Laura, or if I'm going to spend the day at the library. I don't know if I wake up if we're going to find a way to end up bowling or ice skating. I just don't know. The only thing that binds you sometimes is money, and that's a beautiful thing right now. Don't get me wrong, you have to worry about money, but when you've got a stable job you've got enough run over to work with it. Happiness is a fish you can catch. Hehe. Sometimes fun comes in unconventional ways. Like, I forgot to mention, on the way home from the mountain we stopped at this state park that has paddle boats and a really nice lake. It was fun paddling out on the water. Hehe. Scheming to chase the Geese around. Couldn't get the paddle boat fast enough, though, and even if we could our common sense and conscienceness of animal rights would have stopped us. The thing that matters though is that we had fun with the thought before our common sense caught up. Common sense catches up right before something is damaging. I think that's maybe where the level of maturity comes in. Soon enough I'll be living in my own place and having my own car payments to pay. Even so, I'll get thru day to day with spending money or not. I'll find a way to be entertained. Life is what you make it, I suppose. I mean, this is all basic stuff. I don't know. It's hard to be basic sometimes. People get caught in depression and I hate that. I don't hate the people because it's not their fault. I hate the depression. That's the work of Satan. I love the person I've grown into because I feel like I'm closer to God now and that means a lot to me. I don't read my Bible as much as I used to, but I do contemplate God now and I do think of what I should be doing which is very important. Of course thinking about and doing the things I should be doing are completely different, but I'm on the road to doing the things I should be doing differently. Oh well. I've been so happy lately and I honestly don't know what it is. Sure, there are times when I'm annoyed but it's as if that's just something in life. I'm not asking anyone to feel the way I feel. I just want the likewise respect. Hehe. I'm gonna go to sleep now (hopefully!), and wake up to a brand new day. If you ever read this in the future, Tim, smile... look up... life's not bad no matter if everyone seems to think so. Life's good and it deseves to be written about; good or bad. :D.


3:25 a.m. - 2003-07-21


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