cuke15's Diaryland Diary


to my hardcore buddies.

Cereal_____a__: my friend steven broke a rib, my friend jon bruised a bone in his wrist, my friend max fucked up his arm hella, and i got elbowed in the face and cracked my nose

Cereal_____a__: and that was just durring our local hardcore band Failsafe... lol, Atryu and Eighteen Visions pits were even worse

Haha.. Hardcore kiddies can be so funny.. It's like.. HEY LOOK I BROKE MY ARM. THAT IS SOOOOOOOO COOL.

I guess it's just a lifestyle. I'm not complaining, it's just amusing. Hehe. I'm sure they find my pop rock kicks amusing too.. so we're even. I love my hardcore buddies to death... if any of you guys read this.. You guys are the most loyal, trusting, caring friends I've ever had and you guys are more real with yourselves than any other type of friends I have and I'll always be happy to kick it with ya'll. Even if my musical taste isn't the same as yours :D.


3:54 p.m. - 2003-04-12


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