cuke15's Diaryland Diary


my statement on War


I'm pretty weird lately. I don't think I can support this war. I don't see the Christian purpose in this. Especially since we haven't done everything possible. Not only that, we haven't legally went through Congress to authorize this war. Even if Congress approved it, they didn't legally approve it. Congress cannot constitutionally authorize war without UN sanction. This makes it an illegal action. It's not very fair. I don't know. I will follow President Bush's instructions, but I do know right now that I have the right, a legal right, to oppose this war. Over time it's been portrayed by the government that you are ANTI-American and unpatriotic if you are anti-war. This simply isn't true. That's totally untrue. Being American means you have the right to voice your opinion. Being American.. the only requirement to being American is being a citizen and that's all. America, itself, is full of different cultures. That's why there isn't one set official language of the US, contradictary to what other people think. And it makes me sick to realize that people can label you as not American because you are anti-war. I love the United States, and I love the fact that I have the right to free speech, and in my opinion, it is more patriotic for me to start some non-violent legal movement twoards a resolution to this whole Iraq thing than by persuing war any further. I honestly do think that all has not been done. I think by the tremendous show of opposition to this war that all has not been done, and that this isn't justified. I mean, I remember after the first strikes yesterday.. within an hour they had a list of countries who ALREADY were against it. I mean, I do honestly think there is more that can be done and that there is some different motive here than to stop a threat. That's my opinion. There are other ways to stop this threat than to initiate war. I mean, what have we learned so far? We've learned that the strikes we've done so far that the Iraqi soldiers are, on the most part, cooperating with us. So why are we still talking about further persuing this? Why don't we look twoards a non-violent resolution than to keep pushing violence. I mean, I just don't see why this is being like it is. If you want to speak of a threat, talk about South Korea. There's more of a threat there than there is in Iraq, so why hit Iraq? Oil is a popular theory, but I'm not going to give my opinion about what the motive is, because I honestly don't know. I just really honestly belive this is a bad idea. I was told all these anti-war protestors are just looking to be a part of something. Yeah, that makes sense. Maybe they actually care. They should not be discredited. One-half of the population is said to be against the war without a UN resolution, only one-third against it with a UN resolution. That's my point from a legal standpoint. President Bush is NOT ABOVE THE LAW! He is a citizen, just like I am. We are all EQUAL AMERICANS. Now, from my legal standpoint.. I switch to my religious stand point. This is not justified either. Not yet. Liberation of Iraq is important, yes. Judgement is GOD's DUTY. People have freely left Iraq for quite a while. They have been able to. So obviously the people living there want to live there. With or without the current government. I do believe that this needs to be dealt with, but with war, I'm not so certain. There is a different way to liberate these people, especially considering that most of these people are living there willingly. I just think that God would want peace. I think we could maintain peace. I think we could honestly do it. I don't think we have to make it. Now, when all the options are gone by... then I realize that maintaining peace isn't possible. It's almost as if we've been creature comforted to believe that this war has to happen now or the United States will be terrorized. But, thinking about it now, now that we've started this war, we've got a new terror alert out. It's very confusing to me. Now, I do believe that President Bush knows more than me. I know he does. I just do think something is being hidden and I don't think it's very fair. I have the right to ask why, and I'm asking why. After September 11th, we were told to just go about our normal lives and go and spend money; it'll help economy. It was almost viewed as UNAMERICAN to ask why. Why did it happen? The answer still hasn't been answered. I do think that there could have been some justified way that September 11th could have been prevented. I was told because they have lost money due to how fast America grows, and because they are anti-technology. Well, even with the aid we had given them, up until September 11. Even with all that, it wasn't enough. So that either wasn't the reason or we just didn't give enough AID. Now, I'm not saying the attacks on September 11th were justified at all. I'm just saying that if we were hurting them, even economically to begin with, that's not very peaceful. I think the whole world is filled with evil. I don't know what I'm saying, I don't even know what would be the best plan of action. I'm just saying deep down in my heart, from a legal and from a religious point of view, I do not believe at all that this war is justified, especially this yet. All I want is an answer... An answer to WHY? Sure Iraq is a threat, so is South Korea. So why? I'm just confused about it all. I think we all need to ask God to lead us to peace. I have faith in peace. I honestly do. I would rather be the third or fourth strongest economical country (with a strong middle class) with more power twoards the people, and not the corporations, than live in a country that has the strongest economy, with no middle class, and with corportations having so much power. A corporation can pay off someone who gets paid, and in return gets tax cuts for their corporation, or special aid for that corporation. You put money up for this candidate so he can win this election, this candidate will get you a tax cut. Politicians don't always work for the people anymore. Sad. Consumer Rights. Ralph Nader. Green Party. It may sound radical, but it's more fair. I do not like the current state of the US government. That doesn't make me Unamerican at all, because America isn't about government, it's about culture and freedom. Freedom would not be taken away by a different party being elected. I think it's a beautiful and American thing to think your own way. It's a lot more American than just following what you're told to follow. And, I'm not saying Republicans and Democrats just follow their leaders and their party just because they're told to. I'm just saying that for the people who follow their parties beliefs just because they're told to... then that doesn't make sense. It's hard to explain, and I think I just did a crappy job. I just think it's beautiful that I can say these things. I think that people in Iraq should be allowed to do this as well... that's one thing I agree with President Bush on, they should have their liberty. But I don't think it's happening the right way. I think there is a better legal, Christian, and beneficial way to do it.

That's my opinion. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I'm just saying that's what I feel. I'm sick of feeling so nervous and getting so sick of what I see on TV. In a way this is all legal because he had sent a letter to Congress, but in a way it's not and it's unconstitutional because he didn't get Congress' authorization. People say that if you don't like what's happening, to shut up.. you don't have a right to say anything if you live here. I think that's stupid, no one grows that way.. No country does. I have a right to say any thing I want as long as it doesn't infringe on anyone else's right. It's in the Constitution. Sometimes I wanna shove a copy of the Constitution into someone elses faces. I realize that violence isn't very Christian, but I'm not claiming to be the perfect Christian. I have the right to complain, I do. I have a right to give ideas. I have the right to live here all at the same time. If we had to agree with out government, we might as well be living in a country run by the military, not the government. This is why it's legal for people in the United States to express their concerns in the government system. I have the right, even if I don't agree in what my government is doing, I have the right to complain. You have the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT! If you don't vote, you can still complain. It's in the constitution. It doesn't make you look smart or wise, and it makes you look like a moron, but you have the right.

So in conclusion, here is my final thought:
"Today I weep for my country... no more is the image of America of a strong, yet benevolent peacekeeper ... around the globe, our friends mistrust us, our word is disputed, our intentions are questioned."
-Sen. Robert Byrd (D)


7:42 p.m. - 2003-03-20


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