cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Entry #1100, Thanks Foresight, RIP Mr. Rogers

I'd like to thank the lovely members of Foresight for the awesome show, plus for putting my review from my earlier entry up on their website.

Wee that was a lot of links!

ANYWAYS! THIS IS ENTRY #1100. Yeah, baby, yeah. That means I'm rapidly approaching entry #1111. That'll be cool, won't it? Oh well. I just thought I'd throw in this entry before I went to bed.

I love ya'll!

PS: Mr. Rogers, word has it you were a good Christian man. I've been told a minister. You had some nasty rumors in your life time, but obviously not true or you would have been fired long before. But, now that you're not here anymore I hope you've found a new neighbor, your creator in heaven. RIP, 1928-2003. I've done some research.. Mr. Roger's four sages for all the ages that make for the good life were...

  1. Have some quiet time alone every day.
  2. Don't get caught up in buying things you don't need.
  3. Take care of the environment.
  4. Help Other People.

3:46 a.m. - 2003-02-28


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