cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Julie, my day


I'm back. Wee, that was fun. So here's my day: Wake up, install Debian. I finally got it working. Call Shawn, ask him what's up. We made plans to meet up with each other, so I walked up the Causeway and he came by in a car with the girl he babysits for and they picked me up and we went back to my place. Woohoo. We talked a bit and then Chrissy and Amy knocked on the window. So we went out and there was Chrissy and Amy. Pretty cool huh? Anyways, we went to Huddle House across from SMMS and I had some hashbrowns and some toast with ketchup and syrup. It only sounds nasty. It really tastes good. Then I had some water with creamer and kethcup and syrup. It only sounds gross. It really tastes good. Then I had some jelly. Just jelly, yes. I was in a freaky mood. We smoked a few cigarettes. It was a beautiful night. Chrissy and Amy both got sick, though. We listened to the Marvelous 3 on the way bcak to my place in Amy's car, and after they dropped us off, Shawn and I went inside and he got drunk and Billy offered to get us some tacobell so he went out and got us some tacobell. I wasn't really in the mood to have any, since it made me sick last time, but I did anyways. I regret doing so, but I've recovered. Anyways Shawn got drunk and then called Jan. I was nice to her, but I didn't feel bad when Shawn started talking about her. I told her we should hang out sometime. Maybe I'm a hypocrite, maybe I have mixed feelings about Jan's personality. Who knows. Then he called Michelle and I talked to her a bit after he was mean to her. It was kinda alright. We made plans to talk again tomorrow. She's a nice person and I miss her friendship. So that was pretty much my day. I can't wait to talk to Julie, tonight, though. All these girls just put it horribly obvious that I'm missing the most important one in my life. OH YEAH! THAT REMINDS ME!

  1. I love you because you're sending me a care package... because you care!

Hehe. Julie's probably going to be jealous of all my female relations today. :/ I'm sorry Julie. You're still my baby and I still love you more than any of them. Here's something for you and I Julie, we both need it: Ephesians 5:18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;


12:29 a.m. - 2003-02-11


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