cuke15's Diaryland Diary


My day with Billy and with Darnell

I owe ya'll a long entry so...

So today was a fun day. I woke up and asked Billy if he was going twoards Wal-Mart any time today and he was. So we stopped by his friends house and helped him clean his roof, which was actually kind of fun. The guy was really neat. Next we went up to Camden Computers and I payed my internet bill. Then we went to Wal-Mart and walked around a bit and I didn't really see anyone interesting except one of my mother's old friends. We went to Coolies next and had seen where the bands were to be playing. Really nice looking room. Kinda small, though. Next we went to Sam Goody and I talked to Jan a bit and it was fun. We talked about life. I dunno. She still kinda pisses me off, but I forgave her again. I don't know why. Maybe I'm not the type to hold a grudge when someone is willing to apologize. I don't know. She's spending time with Shawn tonight. Hopefully things will work out between them. She tried to play it like she doesn't care about Shawn as much as she does, though. Anyways, afterwards we came on home, Billy and I. I e-mailed my parents and told them what happened last night. Then Darnell came over. I was actually in a good mood to see him today, so I was cool with it. We talked for awhile. He played his Cries of the Dying demo which was pretty good for a hardcore band. Anyways, we went out next and we went up to Cooley's again and they were closed. Then Darnell and I went to this little hobby store where they do all these little role playing games that I never understand and I had seen Chubbs there and gave him a hug, coz he's really cool once you get to know him. I had seen Kevin Butler too, but he didn't seem too thrilled to see me, so *shrugs*, then I went in the back and had seen Nick Shoaff and Chris Reisch. Chris Reisch and I had a fun time talking again. It was cool to see them. I talked to Nick Shoaff about his guitars and about Manna Zen and we just shot the breeze. Everyone was playing either roleplaying card games, or role playing games with little plastic characters. Shit I never really understood. It was cool to see some of those people, though. So we eventually left and went up to Sam Goody's and just did nothing. Eventually we left for Blooded's house and that was cool as hell. It was actual a nice feeling being there, instead of the usual dark death type feeling. There wasn't a big cloud of pot smoke, one of the upside down American Flags was gone, and everyone was just sitting watching tv with their girlfriends. I talked to their guitarist, shot the breeze with him. He's a really laid back guy, really friendly, has the mentality and attitude to be something great. He's a great musician too. I told him I respect metal shows, even if I'm not a metal kid. He said he understands me completely. I eventually left with Darnell to go and pick up my Gretsch then we came back and their guitarist flipped. He loved it. He thought it was worth atleast a grand. What was really cool as hell though was I had started playing "Found Out About You" and their drummer started singing! Hahah. A hardcore kiddy singing the Gin Blossoms. I don't know. I was like "you like that song?" and he was like "that's an awesome song." It's cool when guys listen to a broad range of music. I could never play hardcore. It was good to see these guys in a new light, finally. I kind of liked the vibe. If it could stay like that, I would enjoy being there. So I eventually came home and called my mom and talked to her and she was glad I was alright. I told her about my day. Next I got online and read an e-mail from Julie. Sorry Julie, I wasn't on MSN because I had left my internet on and Darnell had used it and forgot to switch my screenname back on before we left.

Anyways, something Julie told me last night on the phone made me smile. She says it's kind of cool how I remember every little detail about things. I think it kinda is too. It gives me a lot to process and a lot to write about. It's just something I like

So I'll write more later. Hopefully this was of good length for ya'll.

8:57 p.m. - 2003-02-08


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