cuke15's Diaryland Diary


fakeness, bottled up in a 12 year old package

to kelsea: if you can't be honest to yourself, who can you be honest with? if you can't be honest to your friends, are they really your friends? life isn't about "being cool." that's why this friendship is over. See, when you acted 12 it was cool, you were a good conversationalist, but when you start acting like a 6 year old baby who cant think for yourself, the friendship is over for good. You are the only 12 year old I talk to, and the rest of my friends are my age. So I don't know where you get that arguement from. So now if I'm supposed to disregard you as a friend, your wish is my fucking command. I don't want your stupid fake ass as a friend anyways. And you are fake, just read what I just wrote. Isn't that the epitome of fake? I mean, dude come on. You're afraid to not tell your friend you're annoyed by her because you're afraid she's going to get a group together that will make you less popular. If you're goign to give people respect who don't respect you, then you're going to be the type of girl who is sucking some random guy's dick, loaded on vodka by the time you're 16 years old. You're going to be crying because of your life. You're a very smart girl, but you have VERY low self-esteem if you got to respect people just because they can make you more popular. That won't get you anywhere in life, dear. You need to befriend the people who are your honest to god friends who will tell you the truth, who won't get mad if you tell them about a problem. Do you understand? I told you straight up I don't respect anyone who doesn't show me a proper level of respect, and you crossed over that line and you've lost this friendship. Lets see how many real friendships you keep, if you even have any. This proves, just in this conversation, that you are being fake for not telling her the truth. That you are being a bitch for telling me to get over how she treated me because she's only 12 adn doesn't know any better. Dude, she's not even acting 12, and neither are you... so this conversation is the finally nail in teh fucking coffin, lameass. You've pissed me off, and I'm not afraid to admit I'm hurt. That's why I'm so frustrated in writing this entry:

Afae1: moo
xXxEarthsickxXx: woof
Afae1: word
xXxEarthsickxXx: lol
Afae1: would you say that girl who was in that group chat with us earlier
Afae1: was treating me like shit?
Afae1: that southernthang girl
xXxEarthsickxXx: i think she was being really immature
Afae1: even for a 12 year old?
xXxEarthsickxXx: yeah...i know a lot of 12 year olds who dont act like that
Afae1: and would yous ay the comments she did say about me
Afae1: would you say that even if they were sarcastic, they were way out of line?
xXxEarthsickxXx: i guess yeah, considering i didnt see there was any reason for how she was treating you
Afae1: thanks
xXxEarthsickxXx: *nods* 

Might I add this conversation we are speaking of in this conversation.. that group chat happened BEFORE the tagboard incident, she treated me like shit first. Is that enough proof for you, you lame ass motherfucker. So your claims of her jsut being a 12 year old and is allowed to act liket hat due to her age, in addition to your claims of her never being mean to me have just been proved wrong, motherfucker. I guess our friendship has never tested your popularity, but now that it has, I can see maybe we weren't friends to begin with. Lameass.


PS: I don't hate you, But I am really pissed off right now. I wish you the best in life.

9:32 p.m. - 2003-02-08


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