cuke15's Diaryland Diary


fell down again, more on [not] moving, Tiffany

Blah, I fell into an old trap I've been out of for almost a month. It's OK, though. I'll get my help and climb back out.

I'm actually happy, but I feel bad about what just happened. Lust is bad.

Oh well. So there is a 99.9% chance that I am staying in the lovely county of Camden. It should be rough at first, but I think I can make it. Friends are encouraged to bring food! Same trailor park, just in my old trailor before I moved to the old one. Good old lot #18! I need to make ends meet from November til December. I don't know if I'm going to get a job as soon as I can or if I'm going to wait it out to get that job at Rhema.

can you show me, please, show me why it all went down in flames, was it coz i made it thru, and you were just too fucked up to? and i feel so far away from close to you

Wee that was fun. Got the inspiration from a conversation I'm having. That's "Far Away From Close" by Butch Walker

Well I'll update y'all later.


PS: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. Tiffany, my old school friend from SC, called me today! She seemed a lot different than how I remember her. I haven't talked to her in more than a year on the phone. I was too tired to talk, though.

9:14 p.m. - 2002-11-20


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