cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Job hunting...

OK. So here's my story of God! I was praying in the shower today... but I kinda just wanted to get it over with. So I prayed a bit and when I got tired, I figured I'd stop. Well I had the feeling I shouldn't talk. God's message I suppose. But anyways, after I stopped, I turned on my stereo.. played halfway through a song, and then the lights in the bathroom went out. Both of them. Both the bulbs were burning fine last I had checked. I knew that it was God trying to tell me not to be so selfish and to keep talking to him. I should have heeded the first warning, the feeling I had got.

Anyways, as I was out job hunting, I heard that stupid commercial again where it's like "bubba the love sponge loves you" "you.. beating your wife".. and whatever, and I finally realized that the song at the beginning of the commercial is BULLET by Injected. I had the hunch it was before, the first time I had heard it, but the second time just sealed it.

Well I got applications at many places. Mom & Pops, Sam Goody, Dominos, Arbys, Wendys, and Subway. I think I might actually have a shot at Mom & Pops. It's just a tight situation and I need a job fast. I even went to Rhema, that Christian book store. The guy said to come back after Christmas. :/ Oh well. That seems like a nice little store to work in. It would really help me spiritually too.

Well I've got applications to fill out. Let's hope everything works out.


6:07 p.m. - 2002-11-20


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