cuke15's Diaryland Diary


about an entry I read

I love people who stereotype. If any of you guys come across a banner that says "who gives a sh*t what jesus would do?".. I honestly request that you read that person's diary. I'm not saying she's knowingly trying to deceive you, but honestly.. look at what she's saying.. she's saying the MAJORITY of Christians do not act how they say they do. Yet, how is she making this judgement? That's what I want to know. Does she go door to door, spying on them? It just upsets me, I guess. We all have problems. She also claims that there is more enjoyment in not following God's rules. I don't know how she would know that, because it seems as if she hasn't followed God's rules for the right reason before to even find that out. I've done some very bad things as a Christian, but does that mean that I don't honestly believe, like she states? No.. It means I've just got things to work on.. with God's help. She is stating that even though we know that our 80 or so years on this planet, if spent well, would get us eternal life that no one honestly believes because they aren't off doing things to be good.. hleping other, preaching and all that. In reality, that would be a good thing, but honestly.. it's human nature to sin. No one except Jesus was able to do that his whole life. So, just because Christians sin do not mean they aren't Christians. I do agree, though, that there seems to be quite a lot of just down right hypocritical Christians out there. It's not for me to judge them, though. But just because a human doesn't go off and lead a very well life.. and slips up alot.. That doesn't mean they aren't Christians. Look at the deciples of Jesus Christ. With the exception of Judas, all of them were rewarded. Peter failed so many times but got back up. It was his nature to fail, and he eventually went on and changed things in his life for the better. So, why, even if the Bible openly admits that people closest to Christ have sinned.. sometimes badly, does this person believe that because Christians now-a-days, as they sin, aren't Christians? It's not like people sin to say "lets piss God off today". That's not true. Humans sin. Sometimes we fail a lot. You can make changes, though. I just don't like the fact she's implying most Christians yell things like "ASSHOLE! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING YOU STUPID FUCKING LEXUS CANDY-ASS BITCH!" in traffic. From the Christians I know, I don't think hardly any of them would scream anything nearly as vulgar as that, or as intense.. maybe a "Damnit" at the most. It just seems she needs to open things up in her life and take a look at everything. Maybe I'm wrong, though.. That just bugged me I suppose. Humans sin. That's all there is to it. It's how the humans handle the sin they commit, and what they believe in.. that shows if they are really Christians. She wouldn't be able to tell that. No one would. It just seemed like some big deception thing she was trying to pull off. If she knew it or not. At least to me it seemed like that. There are supposedly a billion other galaxies just like ours..., all running perfectally together in this universe. Perfect alignment and all that. It's said that the number of stars in the universe is equal to all the grains of sand on this Earth. Now, saying that, with the efficiency of how everything is running.. How all these galaxies work. All that.. with existance itself. What created existance? It would seem that it would be a bigger leap of faith not to believe that a God created all this than to believe that a God did. I don't think anything THAT massive could have been created that efficiently. All of universe, reality.. that efficiently..without a God. It's just more of a leap of faith to think there isn't a God. That's my opinion. I just wanted to be able to respond to what she wrote in a way which would help me relieve some of the frustration I felt in reading her diary.


10:48 p.m. - 2002-11-16


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