cuke15's Diaryland Diary



You guys� I just read something that disturbed me. It's expected that 1,284,900 people (that's about the population of Jacksonville) will have been diagnosed with cancer in America this year. Major cancers, not including skin cancers and such. This year, 550,000 Americans will die of cancer� 1,500 a day. 1 of 4 deaths in the US comes from Cancer. This made me cry, reading this. Not a lot makes me cry. I mean I never realized how big a problem cancer is. This is scary shit, guys. We need to do something. Learn, Teach, Donate, Write Congress, Get Involved... do it now, before you have to learn the hard way when someone you know dies of cancer. Maybe if you learn you can prevent that death. Most people don't ask for this disease. I know this disease can be cured, all types. We can send people out in space for 3 months; we can do this. It just takes some dedication... some knowledge... and some sacrifice. I know some of you smoke, and that's cancer forming... but who cares, you can still help. If you can't save yourself, you can try and save someone else. I'm not going to smoke anymore, not even socially. Come on guys. This just hurts me. I'm usually the most selfish guy in the world, but you have to look at this... This is scary.


8:19 a.m. - 2002-10-20


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