cuke15's Diaryland Diary


productive day, fuck mood

Well hello.

I've had probably one of the most productive days of the past 5 months, and I've only been up for about two hours. First I woke up, got dressed (already done more than I do most days), brushed my teeth and rinsed, took out the trash, came back in, cleaned up the living room, did the dishes, and cleaned up my moms room. That's a shit load of stuff compared to what I usually do.

Anyways, last night I was in such a mood to fuck. That didn't happen, though. I don't know. It's kind of depressing. There are only like one or two people in real life I'd sleep with, so even getting around to asking any of my candidates is hard to do. I don't know. I'm still sort of in the mood for it. It's not like a horny type of vibe. I just want to be passionate and heavy with it. I think I'll shut up now. I've made my point and I'm sure no one wants to read more about it.

Oh well. I guess I'll go check the mail now.


2:31 p.m. - 2002-10-12


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