cuke15's Diaryland Diary


dad called.. more about moving


My dad called me up with all the moving bullshit and he asked me if I was thinking about hurting myself and I told him "not if I live here.. but if I live there I will hurt myself". I fucking mean it too. You know I do if I can say that to my fucking father. He gives me this bullshit "oh I thought you were past all that". Well fuck him. Just because the rest of my family doesn't give a fuck about Camden County doesn't mean I don't. I fucking love it here. It's a part of me. I know that sounds fucking lame as hell but I could never leave here and not know if I'd ever live here again. I need Saint Marys. People don't seem to understand. I want to stay here for Chrissy too. I mean, she's my other love in life. There's Chrissy & St. Marys. I can't stand to lose both of them for an unset amount of time. Home is a feeling I've burried in Camden County. You just can't live somewhere for 13 years of your life... the best years of your life.. where you learned about school, where to rollerblade, where to play hockey, where to play football, baseball, basketball, where you learned to kiss, where you learned to love, where you learned every single important lesson you'll need to become an adult.. Think of how much stuff you learn between 6 and 19. That's the only time in your life you actually learn how to live your life the way it should be lived. That's when you figure out who the fuck you are. I love Saint Marys so much. I've had so many experiences here.. I just don't know. This is the only place in the world I'm not afraid of. I'm not afraid of walking around where I don't know anyone. I'm not afraid of anything.. because I know this city and I know nothing bad will happen to me.


1:47 p.m. - 2002-09-26


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