cuke15's Diaryland Diary


On the Road

Wee. It's September! I read a bit more of "On the Road" earlier. It seems almost a bit fabricated to me. Maybe fabricated isn't the word.. more like.. trite. The book seems to be telling things, so far, like every other book I've read. In the way like "oh wow.. here I am.. I'm so different than everyone.. I see things so different.. I'm not even who I thought I was anymore". I hate shit like that. I mean, I'm only in the opening chapters. It'll probably end up differently... I've heard good remarks about books like this. But so far it's just shit I've heard a million times before. It's like being overanalytical of stupid shit. Trying to show people that you see the little things, but in reality you're just trying to be different instead of trying to be yourself. There's nothing wrong with being different, but you can't be different with everything.. if you're being yourself you'll have some simularities and some differences with everyone. You can't let other people think for you.. and you're doing that even if you are being exactly different from how they are... because you're still basing your actions and thoughts on the opposite of them. If you're yourself no one will influence you unless they actually do mean something to you. I'm just saying this author is trying too hard to show how different this guy is from everyone and not spending anytime on the simularities. I hate that. Blah. Well I've got to get back to downloading SuSE.


3:00 a.m. - 2002-09-01


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