cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Katie, my retardedness in trying to open a door.

Wee.. that was fun. Ok... here we go. I woke up at 2.. at 3 Katie wanted to come pick me up and drive around.. I wanted to too, we were bored as fuck. So I started shaving and I was told to meet her at the end of my road in 15 minutes. She didn't want to drive down it because you guys who have been down here know what it's like during the rain. So I shaved and didn't pull the plug, then I locked the door (moms in Jax for the weekend) and went to the end of the street.. one minute after I got outside it started raining.. 1 minute before she picked it up.. it stopped. Haha. So I got in and it was a little bit rocky at first but once we started talking we seemed like really good friends. We drove around and talked about stuff and listened to Silverchair's "Freak Show" album. Her new car is neato. Anyways, we eventually ended back up at her place and played with her kitties. Otep really liked me. She's the only one whose name I could remember even before I had seen her and she's the one I always had asked Katie about.. so I think there was a reason Otep liked to sit in my lap and play with me. Hehe. Maybe we're just meant to be friends. I guess cats really can feel things. Anyways... Katie brought out her guitar and I played (I was playing pretty decent too, considering I was using a penny as a pick).. and what I liked is how Katie didn't say anything about it. I don't like when people say "oh you're such a good guitarist".. because how are you supposed to respond other than "naw..." but anyways..I showed her the Island Street Team webpage and my account and all the neato exclusive Hoobastank stuff and she liked it. We looked thru her CDs and eventually we left. I don't know where all the time went, but it was really fun. Kinda makes me wonder what could have been. We left so she could bring me home and since things were going so well I wanted to hold her hand. I had the feeling to.. not as strong as on the bus that one day, though. (See 1, 2). Now it was like more of a feeling like.. I wouldn't mind if this happened, but if it doesn't..we're still great friends. The first time it was like "wow.. I know this is the way it should be.. I cant believe we still feel this after so long.".. unfortunatly we only felt that strong that one time. That's why I've said before holding hands is a serious deal. It means a lot if two people are in love. I think Katie loves me.. and I love Katie.. we don't love each other just as friends, though. We love the times we had in our past (most of them, atleast) and we love the trust we can put in each other. At least, that's what I think. So yeah.. on the way home we talked about people and Greenwheel's "Breathe" CAME ON THE RADIO!#!% Woohoo. It was about 5 or 6 at this time. Hehe. That helped me distract myself from my feelings for a while. Another thing different about the feelings this time was I don't think she was having them like I was. That's cool, though, I mean we're still buddies.. but anyways.. she dropped me off at the end of the road.. I went around back (I don't have keys for the front) and tried to open the back lock.. it was jammed.. I broke my key in the door trying. Yes, I was using the right key. So I tried breaking the window in the door with a shovel and this little stick thingee and it didn't work. We have good windows, I suppose. So I rode up to mom & pops... It was probably around 6-6:30 now and I called the police. The guy started talking to me about liability and how I'd have to get in myself and I told him I understand and thanks for it and everything so I got a gatorade (Mom & Pops opens earlier than I thought) and I rode back home and tried throwing a couple rocks thru the window. No go.. so I went to Susans, she looks like she had just gotten up. She gave me a pair of pliers because there was still a piece of key left in the door sticking out.. So I went back.. grabbed the piece with the pliers.. and haha, you guys would never have forgotten this if you were there.. and you'd probably still be laughing... this is how retarded I am.. I was trying to turn the piece of the key sticking out with the plyers.. and the key broke and I hit myself with the plyers. hahah.. It's so funny thinking about how retarded that must look.. but I cut my face and now there's a little mark there. So I went back and we got a little bar that pries shit open.. and I went back and shoved it under the window and it started pouring... good timing this time.... coz it worked when I pried the window open. So I climbed in.. I think I broke the screen.. but anyways, I got in.. called Susan and told her I'd give the little pry bar back when it wasn't storming and I went into the bathroom to notice the shaven cream laden water and looked at the mirror at my face and said "this shit has to go in my diary" and I'm here now. I was pissed off earlier, but now that everything turned out ok I'm kinda glad it all happened. I have something to write about now. Hehe..


7:45 a.m. - 2002-08-31


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