cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Prince, bored, somber, BTE/Cracker/Avril Lasgna girl..

Hello my friends.

I'm so freaking bored. I played Neverwinter Nights for a while. It's a neato game. I don't play video games too much, though. *dances to Little Red Corvette*.. where is Leo when you need someone to have a fun conversation with? Oh well. Blah.. I keep having sparatic thoughts about Chrissy. Dunno. I checked my buddy list last night and she had updated her diary. I didn't bother looking, though. I guess that's when the sparatic thoughts started. Hehe. Not really thoughts, more like.. a sorta somber feeling. Oh well. Jan needs to get online.. I think she's working or babysitting or something. I need someone to talk to. Jade won't be playing the show next wednesday with Injected due to his broken hand.. so it'll be old school and they'll play as a 3-piece. *shrug*.. it sucks and is cool at the same time. Jade was my favorite of them to watch, but it's a rare opportunity to see Injected as a 3-piece. So yeah, I'm in a somber mood. I guess it's boredom. Once I get back to STM it'll be good. I can't find my book I used to have with all my old friends up here.. and it's way too hot to walk up a hilly country road. Oh well. I'm going to start that 1550 question survey Jan filled out which I gave to her. You know.. I want the rest of the Prince DVD's and the rest of his CD's.. that's like $200 or so worth of Prince shit... that would be a great present from my parents for my birthday.. but I'm not going to ask for anything. I don't like being selfish, especially with presents. Jan asked me what I wanted and I told her a bar of chocolate, a 6-pack of IBC Cream Soda and to spend the day with her. Hehe. That'll be fun. Hopefully it can work out too. She could come over afterschool.. i'll probably invite a few friends over. Sheri, Leo, Shawn, Chelle, Jan, Kazu, maybe Katie and Russell if they're up to it. We can play Prince really loud. That would rock my socks. Oh well, I'm not going to plan anything just yet. I'm not much of the planning type. I could go see that Avril Lavisagna or whatever girl today with Better Than Ezra & Cracker.. but I don't really wanna hassle with the crowds & the heat at Centennial Olympic Park.. (it's brick.. ugh)... I've always wanted to see Cracker & BTE though.. Cracker does a godly cover of "Good Times, Bad Times" by Zeppelin. Don't think I'm gonna go, though. Well, I'll probably get started on that survey.. no promises, though.


2:18 p.m. - 2002-08-02


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