cuke15's Diaryland Diary


guitar, bad mood, misc. stuff

Shit people. I got all sweaty hehe.. You can only play "When She Comes" so many times before you realize it's time to learn something else. Hehe. I added wah to it.. as a filter, like he does on the CD. I sounded almost like Jade. It was awesome. hahah. I'm becoming one cocky ass guitar player. I wish I had my webcam here so you could see the pick I was using.. the little white paint on it is all smeared now coz of how tight I was gripping it. Hehe, damn man.. I'm not in a good mood.. I'm in a bad one.. I'm just glad about my guitar playing. I'm not in too horribly bad of a mood, you know? I've had a lot of bad things hit me over the past few days.. Julie's not doing well.. the whole shit with Chrissy.. lots of other small stuff.. but along with the bad string of stuff happening, a couple of people have said some really caring stuff.. even when I wasn't prying for their compliments. I guess I just need a little while to be sad.. and then I can start getting back on the good track again, as long as that will take. Probably a while, but atleast I'll get better. I finally was starting to get better around April and May.. then everything started over again.. Maybe eventually I'll learn.. but for now.. you guessed it, sitting at the table... admiring the past and what there is the potential to be if the situation would work... which it has failed.. as you have read. Oh well.. sitting at the table.. things might change? right? Right, and monkeys might fly out of my butt.. Or something.. sorry.. Wayne's world. Heheh.. gonna go.


1:09 p.m. - 2002-07-29


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