cuke15's Diaryland Diary


A dream...


It is the life-giving, vital part of our physiology and it may symbolize our strengths and weaknesses and our physical and mental health. If you are currently experiencing a very difficult time in your life, you may have dreams with bloody and frightening images. Don't worry, you may be venting your fears! Some believe that when you see blood in your dream, the distressing situation in your life which is at the root of the dream has come to an end, and the worst is over. Consider the details and the relationships between of all the symbols in your dream before making an interpretation.


To see your own eyes in your dream, represents enlightenment, knowledge, comprehension, understanding, and intellectual awareness. Unconscious thoughts may be coming onto the surface. The left eye is symbolic of the moon, while the right eye represents the sun. It may also be a pun on "I" or the self.

Well.. lets see, I was bleeding from my left eye.. so bloody moon.. HOLY FUCKING SHIT! THE END OF THE WORLD IS NEAR!.. nah, just kidding. I was bleeding from my right eye anyways...and my dream was playing guitar in Miss Mixon's room back in 99 with Butch Walker.. playing tunes from his new CD.. and before "If" came on I was like "This is a song I had wrote about Chrissy the day we broke up".. and around the end of the song I just started crying.. but not tears, blood.. from my right eye mostly... And I walked off after my part wasn't needed anymore, out of the room.. and I came back in to do this piano part at the very end of the song.. you could tell I had been crying more.. so I guess this tells me the difficult period of her and I disrespecting each other has came to an end.. and all the ill feelings are finally burrying themselves. That would be how I would take the dream's feeling.. and the situation in the dream...What am I becoming aware of, though? I became completely aware today that Chrissy is the only one I really want to go out with for honest, pure reasons.. she's the one I love. Anyone else who wants to interpret the dream is welcome to... my eyes weren't hurt or injured in the dream.. they were fine.. I just felt bad. The dictionary also says if there is something in your eye you have obstacles ahead. Bring them on. This could all be irrelevant, anyways.. this was a daydream.


1:08 p.m. - 2002-07-20


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