cuke15's Diaryland Diary


La De Da.

Woo. I'm starting to get angry. People implying to me I should feel differently. Fuck you too. It's not my fault Chrissy fucked me over by saying she insisted we were soulmates, then 3 days later insisted we weren't. That's her own retardedness and manipulativeness. Then I get this message "so are you and Chrissy going to be friends".. from someone who KNOWS the answer... jesus, don't be a fucking retard. If she wants to be that fucked up and idiotic she's not worth my friendship. I don't care what she says, or how many people she has on her side. People just like her because she's more outgoing. That doesn't make her right. It's sad.. You don't go from insisting you're someones soulmate to insisting you're not. That's just fucked up. Retarded too. She doesn't even spend the time to explain eveyrthing to anyone just "we have different wants".. meanwhile when we broke up that phrase never showed up. ER-HER *hits chest*.. She's fucking you along if she tells you that. But yes, I do think she's my soulmate. I'm not the loveless, faithless, careless, souless one here. If she wanted to be my friend, she could have treated me like one. She's still fucking me over to this day. She's a fucking completely differnet person when she's talking to me about me, but when she's talking to other people I'm not even a topic of conversation. Lovely. And you know she's going to have another guy. Then they can go through the cycle. I don't want to be reminded of this shit. I don't want to hear her name. She could pull some shit "I know it's hard to believe.. but I did change from feeling he was my soulmate to he wasn't..".. yeah, sure.. and pigs fly. Ma-nip-u-lat-ion. She's the one who isn't honest. She can hide behind her wall of friends and wall of drugs and alcohol. I'm the one who can be truthful without anyones help. Can you relate to this one, Julie? I'd rather be pissed than pathetically untruthful and cruel. I don't know how she treats you, so don't judge what I'm saying about her on how she treats you. If you were around and witnessed all this.. then you tell me. In the meantime, shut the hell up. I wish I could have stated it like this the first time we broke up. I want her out of my life, and I mean for good. I don't want to hear from her for AT LEAST a month, and I don't want to hear from her unless she's realized that I am her soul mate. If I'm not, then oh well. I want to run the relationship too... because Chrissy ran it this last time. I just want her out of my life for the time being, probably forever, though. It doesn't matter how much I bitch, it's not going to relieve anything. I'm just bitching so I can look back on this. I'm not bitching to defame Chrissy, either. I think she's a wonderful person, just not to me. I needed to say the things exactly as I said them so I can see how I felt on this day.


4:29 a.m. - 2002-06-29


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