cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Chrissy, Injected - Sherman

Sometimes, I think this song is my life's song, all except the cigarette parts. The parts about walking shit people hate right in front of them. Pissing them off intentionally, just because I'm sick of being treated unimportant and it becomes frustrating. And, yes, at times I do see so far from the truth that I don't ever want to see it again. I'm not in too bad of a mood, this song is giving me great release right now. Plus remembering back to how he played the guitar solo like 1 foot (literally) away from my face at Jack Rabbits. He could have swung the guitar further out and knocked me dry. I love Jack Rabbits just for the fact of no barracades. Anyways, I decided I'm going to let Chrissy talk to me whenever and if she can be affectionate whenever. I'm not going to initiate anything, though. Wow, I just woke up... Oh yeah, the song.. duh..Download it, then read the lyrics, then buy th album

i measure time in seconds between cigarettes
don't mind choking on cold regrets
enamored with the possibility of getting so blind i don't wanna see
be everything you didn't want to be
let apathy set you free
everything you hated we sold our souls to walk right on past you
how long i've waited, unimportant, frustrated
scream the lines at people between cigarettes
don't mind taking something i haven't had yet
been splitting my head til i can't see
so you lay it all out right in front of me
no time to wonder what you're gonna be
let apathy set you free.

You have someone play a guitar solo like that one a foot or two from your face. It's a life changing experience.

4:00 p.m. - 2002-06-27


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