cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Sleep, horroscope, RealOne Player, 3 Week Anniversary, Local H

I just got the most eerie horroscope sent to my mail (I get them daily). Too bad I don't let horroscopes run my life. Anyways, I slept for like 17 or 18 hours in the past 24 hours. I guess my body is all warn out from riding that bike so fucking much. I've been singing "The bitch loves it when I eat her out in my cum stained.. apartment coz I've got me.. some cocaine. the bitch is moaning really loud and her moms in the next room.. of my cum stained apartment".. this little added intro to Buckcherry's "Lit Up" he would sometimes sing live. I don't know why I've woken up to sing it, but I love singing it and have people look at me funny... too bad no one's around. Anyways, I was talkin to Rina before I went back for my second long sleep, and she's gonna go see Default & Injected. It's gonna be so cool. She gets to finally see Injected! Afterwards I put on my Injected CD and didn't start falling asleep until the secret song and it felt really trippy going into a deep sleep and hearing these throbbing ass drums. I couldn't sleep with the music, though, just got really close. So eventually I shut it off. Wow! RealOne Player can rip all your CDs when you put them in. That's so cool. It makes it so effortless. This is another one of those useless entries, isn't it? God damn I love this song. "Half-Life" by Local H. "You know the lies they tell are told because of you." That line is the shit. Oh.. "You know they hardly ever give a leper a chance." That one too. Anyways, G funks, I think I'm gonna head out of this place. Oh yeah.. happy 3 week anniversary to me and Chrissy!


1:13 p.m. - 2002-06-26


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