cuke15's Diaryland Diary


a poem...

I wrote this poem to reflect how I'm feeling... I don't write much poetry, if this is even poetry, but this means a lot to me and is pretty much how I feel for now..I know it's not in one form of poetry, it kinda just flows...

Hello girl.
You ran away today.
You ran so far I didn't even recognize you as that little speck on the horizon.
Are you that same girl?
The one who said you trusted me?
Are you that same girl?
The one who has strayed so far from what we've agreed on?
Am I that frightening?
Do I really look like a child molestor?
I'm not an angry person
Haven't been for years.
I've never molestd a child,
But by everyone's stares,
It seems I'm already guilty of that crime.
Guilty by looks... what a crazy concept.
Guilty by looks... innocent at heart.
I don't deserve the punishment...
I don't deserve never to be alone with you.
Why do I scare you? I must ask again.
I've never been hostile in any way twoards you.
If it hurts me, it makes me stronger.
So little girl, if you're the same one,
Tell me what's the matter?
Little girl, don't go beneath the horizon.
Stay close to me.
Maybe I'm not right for you.
Maybe you do need someone better.
Is it I'm moving too fast?
Is it I'm moving too slow?
Do I smell bad?
Am I not who you thought I was?
Am I over emotional?
It really doesn't matter.
Just tell me.
Tell Me.
Don't Be Afraid.
It can save this.
Save this...
Come back little girl...
Save this...
Save us...
Save me...
this, us, me...
Save this.
Hello girl.

11:23 p.m. - 2002-06-15


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