cuke15's Diaryland Diary


another survey out of boredom

Here we go. Hope you learn something about me.

Fallen for your best friend?:  No.

Made out w/ JUST a friend?: Who hasn't?

Been rejected?: Of course.

Been in love?: Yes, currently.

Been in lust?: Oh yeah... you don't realize how inadequate it is compared to love though until you experience love.

Used someone?:  I used the guys in Chevelle to get Bahnson's demo heard, but I guess that's not bad.

Been used?:  I don't know.

Cheated on someone?: Knowingly, no.  Once I found out I was I broke it off.

Been cheated on?: Yes.

Been kissed?: Yes.

Done something you regret? God, yes.


Who was the last person...

You talked to?: Shawn.

You kissed?: Chrissy.

You had sex with?: *cough*

Who broke your heart?: Chrissy.

Who told you they loved you?: Chrissy.


Do you...

Color your hair?:  Sometimes.

Have tattoos?: Nope.

Have piercings?: No.  Had my hands pierced before, though.  My ear too.

Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?: Girlfriend.

Own a thong?: No.

Ever get off the damn computer?: Rarely.


Have you / do you / are you...

Stolen anything? yes.

Smoke?: socially.

schizophrenic?: Clinically, but only because i'm so severly bipolar.

Panic?: On the inside...

Anxiety?: Yes.

Depressed?:  Yes.

Suicidal?: haven't been for a while..


What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others?: eyes

Would you marry for money?: no.

Have you had braces?: no.

When was the last time you had a hickey?: god, I don't know.  

Could you live without a computer?: Yes

What is your favorite place to visit?:  Atlanta.

What is the last movie you saw?: Anastasia

Do you kiss on the first date?: Depends on the person and the past I've had with them.

Do you drink alcohol?: Socially.

Did you like or do you like high school?:  It was more half and half.  The work part sucked, but the social interactions were great.

Who do you want to kiss?: Chrissy.

Do you think you can draw well?: Not really, not without instructions.

Do you write poetry?: I try to, but it always sucks.

Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?: Are you kidding? Emotional.

Are you a sex addict?:  Not as much as I used to be.

How long is your hair?: I don't know.  I'm too lazy  to look.

Do looks matter?: Well, if you're not just outright disgusting, then I could get down with you.

Do you trust others easily?: no.

What do you look for in a guy/girl?:  Dependability, Commitment, Friendship, Fun...

What is your nickname? Tim, Timoofi

What are you worried about right now?: Something with Chrissy that I just talked to Shawn about.

Do you think you are strong?: In some aspects I'm totally strong and in some I'm totally weak.

What's your least favorite thing in the world?:  confusion, feeling lied to.

What would you change about yourself?: My past, so people would stop bringing it up.  It's over.  I was wrong, I admitted it, fuck you too.  I'm trying to be the best I can be now.


10:35 p.m. - 2002-06-15


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