cuke15's Diaryland Diary


My Day, Chelle, Leo, Dy, Cemetary, curiosity

Word up homies. What's up? Not too much here. Just got done hanging out with Leo, Dy, and Chelle. WE HEARD THE STORY OF THE HASHSLINGER SLASHER!@#$!@$ *CRIES* IT'S SO SCARY :( . Not really, you've never seen that episode unless you have one of the Spongebob videos. Well, coming close to the end of the day, and the votes so far are 4 people think I'd make a good gay guy, 0 think I wouldn't. :). TERRIFIC. MWHAHHA :). Oh well. I found my way to Leo's house without getting lost. I feel so proud of myself. *BIG HUG FOR SELF* We went to the cemetary in Saint Marys. It was fun. I put 98 cents on Shawn Weese's grave. That was a sad week. I remember it all too well, it hasn't felt like 6 years, though. Oh well, it was a very weird aura. It felt peaceful, but a little too peaceful. I don't know I can't explain it. I was thinkin how it'd be cool if Chelle wasn't with Chris, because her and I never really got a shot. But oh well, right? She's happy & that's what matters. Thinking won't hurt, though. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather her be with Chris after all this time, I'm just a curious person, ya dig? Well I shall go. I'll update later on with a new poll and the official results of today's poll.


10:16 p.m. - 2002-05-27


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