cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Dyanne, Almost Famous, i'm a sick person.

HELLO MATES%!#%#!% G'DAY%! I got some sleep finally%!# Today's poll is in the previous entry, for anyone who ACTUALLY CARES()$!#)(%()!#%)( MWHHAHA :). I love all of you. *touches you*. MWHAHHA.

Damn man, I started watching Almost Famous last night, but I just couldn't finish watching it. A lot of those "band aids" look like real "band aids" too. They're the type you see around a rock and roll show. Only their styles are more modernized now a days (more leather). But the hair and looks all stayed the same. It's pretty cool to see that. The director knew what he was doing. I like the movie because it shows music in a different light. Plus there were Zeppelin tunes on the soundtrack! Check out this conversation with Dyanne, she's the period.

2000 zero zero, party over, it's out of time says:
. says:
You're sick.
. says:
2000 zero zero, party over, it's out of time says:
i know.
2000 zero zero, party over, it's out of time says:
isn't it just adorable?
. says:
Anyway, I was just kidding.

Hahah, I can't really put more of this convesation up. It's funny, though. I'm being called sick a lot more often now a days. Hehehe. Atleast I'm only joking about being sick%!# MY SARCASM CUTS LIKE A KNIFE(%!#%#!

Well I gotta go

6:54 p.m. - 2002-05-26


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